HomeProphecyA Hammer That Breaks The Rock


A Hammer That Breaks The Rock — 6 Comments

  1. I found all that you wrote to be very soothing to my being. I received all that you shared and agree with you. I rejoice in those who have prayed for a long time and who intercede on behalf of the Body of Christ and for the lost. I did some intercession and when the Spirit of the Lord is upon you, it is smooth sailing. Yet, when you need to travail and you grow tired and hope that the breakthrough soon comes, it is easy to come to the end of yourself and to abort what you were contending for. We hate to think of it as so, but that is what it is.

    Lord, may we be strengthened and fortified and go as long as it takes in order that we do get the answer and that the breakthrough does come. At times, it’s just a matter of not receiving the answer now and sometimes it takes years. Yet, if we persist and faint not and are praying according to God’s will, we shall receive the answer. Yes, there are times that it seems that the answer does not come as we may have been praying for one to be healed of cancer or another sickness and they die despite our prayers. Though, we are hurt and disappointed, we need to accept what has transpired and to continue our walk with God knowing that He knows far more than we do. We don’t always get the answers to why our prayers were not answered as we desired them to be. One day, we will understand.

    Having said all that I have, I end agreeing with you that a mighty move of breakthrough is upon us. Amen!

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