You are Coming to a Face-to Face Encounter with The Father
You are coming to a face-to face encounter with The father — as Angel activity explodes around you!
“The light of My countenance is shining down upon you this day,” says The Father.
“As a shepherd shows his face to the flock in the morning, so I AM bringing you into a face-to-face encounter with Me.
The clouds of confusion? They are dissipating. The heavens of brass? They melt like wax at the passion of My Heart to meet your every need and bring you into your blessing place, and that right early.”
“My power is roused,” says God, “and the cherubim are come from My Throne to execute My Judgments on your behalf.
Angel activity explodes around you this day, and supernatural answers and provision by My Hand are being made manifest. My Kingdom, My Kingdom! It has come, it is come, and it is coming.
Let the cry of your heart be, “Father! Thy Kingdom come!” For My Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy.
Joy is your portion,” says God, “Joy unspeakable and full of the glory wherein your miracle is made manifest, every chain is broken, and every gate locked against you is shattered to splinters.
The entitlements of The Cross are yours this day purchased in the blood-bought provisions of Calvary and ratified in the resurrection power of the empty tomb.
You are coming out of your graves. I AM bringing you out of the tombs of regret and setting your feet in a firm place where you will not be moved, and all that has been robbed from you will be restored as though in a day.”
~ Prophet Russell Walden
Prophet Russel Walden and wife Kitty were founders of Father’s Heart Ministry of Branson, Missouri. Prophet Russ travels internationally and in the USA ministering in the prophetic, bringing a new dimension to the prophetic through activation and impartation of God’s voice in your life. Russ comes from a long history in business world and full time pastoral ministry.
I had a loud noise in my home last tue. Morning 3 days later you spoke about a explosion it was a loud noise in my home
I thank you for posting this. It confirms what I was seeing for a dear sister in the Lord. I saw this early this morning.
I thank you for posting this. It confirms some of what I was seeing for a dear sister in the Lord.
Thank you for your encouraging word, i continue to pray ” Thy kingdom come Lord God ”
Righteousness, peace and joy, i open my heart to recieve it.
God bless and keep you.
Dear man of GOD, I must share what happened TODAY, Friday July 22, but I can’t go into detail, for the space in the comment section is limited (at HKP: That’s ok !) It matches with your powerful prophecy and declaration !
1. The heavy knee aches seem to be vanished
2. I had an undisturbed good sleep
3. On my bank account arrived a refund I thought would hopefully arrive end of the month, but it arrived earlier !
Friends, how I have been praying, hoping, believing, trusting. It was not easy to explain my current situation in phone calls and mails towards insurances and even to an advocate (free advisory) and it is humiliating. But this is truly a great day, and yes, full of light and sunshine, too.
I so hope that all who have been praying for me are reading this. I also prayed for you that you get rewarded by GOD.