A Dream of Judgment in the American Church
Last night I had a Dream of Judgment against an ‘International Healing Ministry’ and the right-wing evangelicals in The United States of America.
In the Dream, I was in a basement of a huge building, that looked like a pharmacy but was stockpiled with video gaming equipment. People were purchasing the gaming equipment, from this pharmacy.
Then I heard a loud noise and drove to the front of this huge building that looked like a massive hospital, where a right wing on the hospital had been struck by the fist of God, like a demolition ball.
The metal of the building was dented in, and cars (only one row of parking was there) that were on this top-level parking by the building in front of the windows, were all wrecked.
Some were on the sidewalk, while others still remained in the parking spot.
God showed me that the pharmacy in the basement was that which was undercover in the heart, of this “fake healing ministry,” and that the people were playing games with God.
He was bringing judgment, as this huge hospital that extended a great length of several football fields, and attached to it was a huge right-wing, was then destroyed.
This ‘healing ministry’ was going to be exposed, and The LORD’s judgment was now coming against it, to tear it down.
God showed me that the right-wing of the hospital represented the right-wing evangelicals, who had been majoring on conspiracies in The Church, and had made people afraid of man, where people had left the sanctuary of God and His protection, as in Isaiah 8:11-15, causing many to stumble.
Fear God, Heed His Word
“For The LORD spoke thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying: “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. The LORD of hosts, Him you shall hallow; let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.
He will be as a sanctuary, but a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, as a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble; they shall fall and be broken, be snared and taken.” Isaiah 8:11-15.
God showed me he struck both the healing ministry and the right-wing evangelicals with His fist, as in Zechariah 2:9.
“Behold, I will swing my hand over them and they shall become plunder for those who served them. Then you shall know (recognize and understand) that The LORD of hosts has sent me [His messenger].” Zechariah 2:9 AMPC.
God showed me that He had given warning for many to escape this healing ministry that was international, which is why it was so big, and the right-wing evangelical false doctrine to major on conspiracies as a religion, bringing it into The Church.
The row of cars were the ministries in the right-wing evangelicals.
“For The LORD spoke thus to me with His strong hand [upon me], and warned and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying, Do not call conspiracy [or hard, or holy] all that this people will call conspiracy [or hard, or holy]; neither be in fear of what they fear, nor [make others afraid and] in dread. The LORD of hosts — regard Him as holy and honor His holy name [by regarding Him as your only hope of safety], and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread [lest you offend Him by your fear of man and distrust of Him]. And He shall be a sanctuary [a sacred and indestructible asylum to those who reverently fear and trust in Him]; but He shall be a Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble thereon; and they shall fall and be broken, and be snared and taken.” Isaiah 8:11-15 AMPC.
Please saints, wake up!
The LORD has been warning people for a long time, but few are listening.
The devil has set a snare in front of many, as they have become the voice of a snare of Satan, bringing judgment on themselves.
They have glorified man and not God. The have brought dread on God’s people, causing many to stumble.
The Hebrew word for snare in Isaiah 8:15, is yâqôsh pronounced yaw-koshe’ meaning, “to ensnare, fowler (lay a snare).” (Strong’s word #H3369)
The Hebrew letters are Yood, Qoph, and Sheen. Yood is the ancient symbol for an arm at work, meaning “works, make, and deed.” Qoph is the ancient symbol of a sun on the horizon, as well as the back of a head, and means “rising, follow, least, and behind.” Finally, Sheen in the negative as teeth means “to devour.”
Therefore, the word picture for snare is The Deeds/ Works That Rise Up and Devour.
Many people’s homes were being devoured by the enemy, because they had let him in and let him loose with these right-wing evangelicals, bringing dread to others.
They were not preaching The Good News, but the bad news, like the other ten spies of Israel, who brought a curse upon the nation, to dwell in the wilderness.
Peter said that we are to be diligent, because Satan goes around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
This ‘international healing ministry’ was under great judgment, and the games they were playing with God, had been filled to the rim.
Saints, I shared about the night of the judgment of ministers I had at the beginning of the year.
Know this is a serious hour, not a time to play games with God.
Praying in humility….
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin Kirby Gatto
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.
Your dream and post seems very confusing to me!!! It has as a political tone to it…..”right wing evangels”. What international healing ministry? I will lift your post up in prayer to the Lord.
God bless
I agree, this claim that right wing evangelicals have made conspiracies their religion is a conspiracy theory in itself. Not doubting your dream and insight into this international healing ministry. I think the confusion is coming from the association of right wing evangelicals and this international healing ministry…. Because these are very broad terms. Kind of judging evangelicals as a whole, putting a stereotype on a group you appear to fit the criteria to belong.
No bad intent! Could you maybe clarify a little more?
God Bless
Such a confirmation, Robin. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings, Sandi Holman
Amazing..so true..
So right on! Hallelujah I found your posts! They so align with what the voice of God is saying. We are voices crying out in the wilderness, warning the people to come back into divine alignment with the Lord or they will face judgment. We will live in Goshen and they will be slaves in Egypt.
I’m sorry, what? Who are you warning? These evil people probably aren’t reading these posts. Let’s be real.