A Divine Synchronization
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Watch! Two Rivers Are Flowing Forth Upon the Nations!
I saw two rivers flowing from the Throne Room of Heaven upon the nations.
The first river I saw was a river of death and destruction for evil and wicked men and women who have rebelled against the ways of God and who have aligned themselves with the prince of darkness.
Now as I looked upon this river, I saw five tidal waves upon its waters,
- the first wave I saw was sickness and incurable disease,
- the second wave was misery and suffering,
- the third wave was financial loss and devastation,
- the forth wave was barrenness and bondage,
- and the last wave I saw was death.
Then I looked again and I saw a second river flowing from the Throne Room of Heaven towards the righteous in Christ.
Again I saw five tidal waves upon the waters.
- The first wave I saw was a tidal wave of His Word bringing forth life and liberty,
- the second wave I saw was a tidal wave of Worship that brought forth healing and renewed hope,
- the third tidal wave I saw was a wave of prophetic warfare that carried new levels of revelation, insight and strategy,
- then a forth wave moved upon the waters, a tidal wave of wonders bringing forth miracles, signs and supernatural suddenlys,
- then I saw a fifth wave flowing towards the righteous in Christ, a wave of wealth and splendour which carried supernatural increase, influence and greater impartation of anointing and Kingdom authority.
In this hour, I hear heaven decree, “Make room, make way, make ready for a mighty river is breaking forth upon the righteous in Christ!”
A Divine Synchronization!
I hear the Spirit say, “My Beloved, I AM now giving you the Spirit of Issachar so you will know what to do in this time and season and you will know how to respond in each of them.
YES! Watch! As My Spirit moves to bring a greater synchronization between the heavenly realm and the earthly realm”, says God.
I declare this hour; a divine and supernatural synchronization is beginning to take place in the midst of a great shaking in the nations of the earth.
“I will shake all the nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former….”, Haggai 2:7-9.
I prophesy this divine synchronization will effect your identity, authority and anointing!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Yes I would like to know what does this mean if a person says to you that you were apart of the divine synchronization should’ve that person be worried or scared and what if the angel of darkness has been in the way of this synchronization how can this person help themselves
Thank you Lord for your Swift response to us in Christ Jesus.
Veronica, wax strongest in health and strength and fly on the wings of eagles in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, amen
Bless you Veronika for brining a strong and encouraging word! Amen and Amen!
Here I am Lord, totally available to you! Let us all be filled with a fresh infilling of His Spirit and the Oil of His presence, so that we shine brightly for Him, and our oil does not run out!