HomeProphecyA Divine Encounter to SEE and BE!


A Divine Encounter to SEE and BE! — 14 Comments

  1. Dear Cherish..Much gladness fills my heart as I read the ongoing comforting words you exchanged here with dear Myriam. God is so very good and His kindness is overflowing here as I say, ‘I can only imagine’.I dare not say, I understand. Yet, I stand in agreement, His promises are true and He will work it all for GOOD. Abundant grace and love, dear one, Sandi

  2. Dear Sandi –

    What a post we all need in these cataclysmic times. We need His still voice within to silence all the outside clamor. The stillness of Holy Spirits presence quells the noise of evil.

    I am appreciating the comments from those posting on your site (such as Myriam, Cheriserewarded. never know the ‘fellowship of His sufferings’ that Jesus Christ went through- unless suffering was endured. Only those who have endured unimaginable testing, such as Myriam, can understand this.

    My late father & mother in law were holocaust survivors; I’ve spoken to those who endured agony.

    Only those who have walked through the fire of testing are able to understand its cost. Saints who have/are suffering, like Myriam, will receive the crown of righteousness and eternal joys. God is perfectly just. He is the rewarder.

    • Elizabeth, God’s goodness is flowing on this page of comments tonight. I am grateful for your testimony and comforting words regarding your family and the holocaust. They surely had miraculous stories and tremendous testing through much suffering. Great is their reward. Thanks so much for your encouragement through their testimony. I loved this part: The stillness of Holy Spirits presence quells the noise of evil. What more can I say? God bless you, my sister, and as Cherish would say, thank God for your beautiful heart, Sandi

  3. Good beautiful Day Sandi. :D
    I had a rough night last night. I was awakened at around 11:30 and harassed most of the night, fortunately I fell asleep for a bit this morning. The reason I bring that up is that your word confirms a Word I heard the most Beautiful Voice speak to me immediately upon awakening, which was, and I quote, “You will be liberated, you will ‘SEE’.” This was directly before the horrific harassment….like He knew I needed something to hold onto. As soon as I began reading your post I knew this was an incredible confirmation.
    He’s so good Sandi!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!!

    • So so glad Cherish. Indeed, what more can I say, except. God is SO good.YES, He sees and knows it all. I am thanking God with you for your divine confirmation. Much love and peace, Sandi

    • Dear Marc, All glory to GOD, I say amen in agreement and So be it. We are AS ONE in declaring and it shall be established. Abundant blessings, brother. Sandi

  4. Dear sister Sandi, I appreciate your work here at HKP. You have been comforting many, I have been reading many publications / messages. You mention that many are only led by their emotions. I dare to write, that many of those who say so, have NEVER experienced a relentless, year upon year, day and night, every hour and minute persecution, online and on every road. When you walk a walk in a far mountain area, when you go to the dentist, when you say farewell to your dying parents, when you are surrounded even on the graveyard by paid gang stalkers who throw their cartel signals everywhere. When you sleep at night and notice in the morning, when you get that same trash signals in your house, around your car or in public traffic also as beside the suitcase on the airport, and thousands of more attacks – you become careful in assumptions of emotional or mental problems. They have thrown stones in Jerusalem against me and tried to kill me in Florida with a huge stone on a private terrace. I survived many death threats, and their psychoterror caused physical sickness. Meanwhile my nerve system starts to sweat at “little” things and I cry out in the nights to JESUS. I lost almost everything. So many Christians can’t believe that methods of STASI-ZERSETZUNG are real and more perfide than in WWII, and that Direct Energy Weapons DEW are being used through walls and can silently kill people. When you have friends or pastors who can’t believe this and you are being isolated and oppressed by a character assasination program, you only have GOD. I know, I have GOD 24/7 with me, and for Him and for the deliverance of many I have been suffering extreme torture.

    • Mt heart goes out to you Myriam, I’m a target of gaslighting as well. One day, for example, I was off work and home alone, I planned to shower in the morning but got busy and just kept putting it off. At around mid-afternoon I got a text from an unknown number which said, “Just get in the “blankety-blank” shower!” (Only it wasn’t “blankety-blank)
      This is an incredible encouragement from Wendy Alecs audio book ‘Visions From Heaven’ its the final chapter where the Lord speaks directly to those targeted in this last day by extreme hateful persecution.  I listen to it often to stay encouraged. I pray it helps and encourages you as well!!
      God bless you Myriam, and know everything will be okay, the Lord will work it all for good…He promises!!

      • Be blessed abundantly for responding here to me. Sister, the mail you mentioned… it is called blacklisting. I can’t share all the humiliations and dirty offenses and even dangerous threatening attacks that revengeful people who seem to be driven by satan have sent or thrown against me. Thank you for responding, and I will be watching the recommended video. I hope to meet you one day soon, at JESUS feet.

    • Myriam, I have no words to express my deep feelings of sorrow reading your story and yet my amazement at our GOD who is all knowing and as you spoke is with you 24/7 who has carried you through and delivered you in all of your suffering. I AM Sending prayers to you and for you as I read your on-going conversation with dear Cherish. I am forever grateful that His words He shared through me brought you comfort. Many blessings and prayers, Sandi

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