A Coming War
Jesus showed me Jeremiah 4:20 that says:
“Destruction upon destruction is cried, for the whole land is plundered. Suddenly my tents are plundered, and my curtains in a moment.”
The LORD then explain to Me two main points about this verse that focuses on destruction.
- Jesus wants to destroy evil
- Jesus wants to turn unsaved people into believers
Jesus says: “Many people don’t know Me. But they will understand that I AM good and kind, but I will destroy.
They will learn to fear Me — for how deadly it is to fall into the hands of an angry God.
This is not a message of fear, but of hope. For I will have My hand in the War about to come.
I will help you and guide you into all good things.
I will prosper you and help you but you must listen to My stern voice.
For I will say something and you must listen and obey or bad things can happen to you.
This is how it — listen and reap or don’t obey and you will be left wondering why bad things happened to you.
Allow Me to speak to you each individually about how to prepare for a massive War.
First, I need you all to submit to Me. Allow Me to control you. Most do not want this, but this is necessary in this hour.
Did you know the devil is looking to hunt down My people, for the hour is short?
Now, listen — I AM putting Nations against Nations to destroy wickedness and to cause people who don’t know Me, to know Me.
They will see that I AM all powerful and strong.
They will see they must submit to Me.
This is not a time to laugh and celebrate, but a time to weep and mourn — for the time is at hand for Me to deliver blows to certain places and people who have aligned with My foe.
You will see rumors of wars — and then it will begin — for I will allow it to happen!
I will see to it that the wicked are destroyed.
Pray for Miracles, Signs and Wonders, so people can experience Me in greater ways.
I will show My Glory in mighty ways and you will not be able to contain it. You will see My power and My Glory and My Might.
Lastly — stay strong!
This is not a time to celebrate, but a time to seek Me in My Word.
Get together with like-minded people and worship Me in Spirit and in Truth.
Honor Me and I will honor you.
Praise Me and watch Me fill your rooms of worship.
I have not given up on you. I have not abandoned you.
Some things must occur and this will occur.
Submit to Me — it will be okay — for I AM King.”
~ Travis Coffey
Travis Coffey was called by Christ to be a prophet. His desire is to help people get informed about who Jesus is, and what is He is doing during these end times.
You may also find Travis at TC Prophecy on YouTube and on Facebook.