A Call to Repentance!
Prayer Audio
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It’s high time we repent personally and collectively as a Nation, as The Church.
Repent of the corruption and compromise,
repent of the sorcery and witchcraft,
repent of the sexual immorality, beastiality, homosexuality, lesbianism, lewdness sodomy, rebellion, disobedience, debauchery, repent of the idolatry, spiritual and physical harlotry.
The Church has far too long turned a blind eye to these trespasses and abominations.
We, too long as a people, have taken God’s grace for granted.
The Most High has had enough even of the false repentance, resisting The Holy Spirit, blasphemy!
Repentance is required right now for forming allegiances and alliances with false prophets of Baal, making covenant with false religion, false churches, false gods.
Oh Jesus have mercy!
Confess our faults!
Repent on behalf of our leaders, children, family members, repent for not living our lives exemplary as Christ disciples, repent of visiting the balm yard, seeking after soothsayers, tarot card readers, psychics, palm readers, clairvoyants and forsaking the Spirit of Wisdom!
Repent of the blood spilling by abortions and passing the children through the fire to Molech!
Repent of the tale bearing, mouth murdering some of us our tongues are like serpent full of poison we bless outwardly and our heart full of hate, jealousy, envy, and strife.
People of God — let us get our houses in order — in Jesus’ Name!
~ Syreeta Thomas
Hear us oh Lord God, forgive our sins and heal our land.
2 chronicles 7:14-16
Timely word! There is a clarion for repentance.
Thank you for publishing this. Repentance is God’s call at this time.
I was on a Repentance zoom call even today.
You really nailed all of the big ones.
I certainly receive this sobering Word.