A 2004 Word for Australia
We can see how this fits now…
The LORD spoke…
“Australia, you are known as the land down under. You are also known for your harlotry, your prostitution, your gambling and stealing.
But I have a Remnant Bride within your midst and she will shine like the stars of the heavens in the midst of you.
You will be humbled in not many days time so that you can see also the value of loving one another and not abusing one another.
What I value will become what you value in the days ahead and there will be many shooting stars that come out of your nation to bless the nations and sow seeds of love and deliverance & healing.”
Received September 5, 2004.
We have already received some of this blessing, like Lana Vawser and Nate & Christy Johnston.
~ Priscilla Van Sutphin
PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN is the founder of Upstream Ministries, California, online at www.upstreamca.org and blogtalkradio.com/ Upstream. Email: upstream.ca@me.com For Donations: send to ‘Priscilla Van Sutphin’ on envelope, but to Upstream if chk at 15660 Tustin Village Way #27, Tustin CA 92780 or https://www.paypal.me/UpstreamMinistries or Zelle thru using upstream.ca@me.com
I’m Aboriginal First nation of Australia,I got saved in 2004,by a ex-muslim man who gave His heart to God who was my Pastor back then.I believe and receive.