Satan’s Smokescreen
“What is a smokescreen?
Has Satan trapped you in it?
It is a device or attitude held by society to hide or alter the truth so it is not understood correctly.
Satan has had 6000 years to build a smokescreen and it is called his ‘world system’.
He has had 2000 years to corrupt The Church in a way that preserves it, but destroys Christian values so that its Christianity is not what Jesus meant it to be.
This has prepared The Church to accept Satan’s smokescreen.
His smokescreen is used to hide God, His truths, His Kingdom, Jesus and what He has done, your relationship with God, Satan and his demons, heaven, hell and the rapture.
It is mainly advanced these days in movies, television and newspapers as he uses these to mould the thinking of a generation.
He reinforces it with the laws of the land made by godless men that back up his agenda and also with compromised pastors who accept his worldly ways.
He uses godless people to bring innovation that goes against what God desires.
At first it is rejected by most and limited to a few. After a while it becomes more acceptable and part of society.
Legislation is then made to protect what these people do and all of a sudden non-Christian values predominate in society and Christian viewpoints are legislated against, even if only by court decisions.
Because the world around you is controlled by Satan you need to be careful what you accept from it as his inputs are designed to water down your faith and intimacy with God.
They are designed to:
- Block you hearing The Holy Spirit so you will not do what God desires you to do (loud music ion churches does this).
- Block you having intimacy with The Spirit and thus with God so the salvation relationship is hindered in some way.
- Crowd your mind with distractions such as sports, television, movie, Television and song idols so you cannot hear The Holy Spirit and focus on his things.
- Divert you from the things God desires you to do by giving you pleasure in ungodly activities that are acceptable to the world.
- Sidetrack you by having you pursue worldly values The Church has assimilated or,
- Cause you to lust after or follow things that are acceptable to many people that will sidetrack from the Will of Jesus and cause you to sin.
This is why we are to check the spirit behind what we accept in our mind and heart so that what we accept is from God and not Satan.
If you cannot hear The Holy Spirit or believe He is no longer a personal God then He cannot tell you God’s Will or warn you of danger.
If you do not know your Bible then you will not know when Satan is leading you astray.
The objective of Satan is to destroy the salvation relationship you have with The Father and Jesus under the guidance of The Holy Spirit in this relationship which is why Satan concentrates on hindering us hearing The Holy Spirit using his smokescreens.
Demons know more about God and The Bible than you do, but do not have a salvation relationship, which is why he has trained The Church to major on teaching knowledge and hidden the importance of teaching about the salvation relationship we have with Jesus and The Father.
This is why you need to walk with one ear listening to The Holy Spirit so He can guide you about how to develop this relationship.
To work successfully through the trap Satan has in his smokescreens you need to be guided by The Holy Spirit, pursue Lordship and Holiness and express God’s quality of Love correctly in all you do.
You must test the spirit behind all your inputs because Satan will put thoughts in your mind or use peer pressure to accept what he does so he can influence your mind to accept what he desires you to accept.
This is why you must not argue, react, assume or reason what to do but ask The Holy Spirit what to do unless God has already shown you what to do.
You must be guided by The Holy Spirit if you want to successfully navigate Satan’s smokescreen which is one reason The Holy Spirit has been given to guide you and shows why you need to be in a constant dialogue with Him.”
~ Through Neville Salvetti
Neville Salvetti is a deliverance minister and can be contacted via The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti and at: if you desire deliverance or to know how to do it.
Neville have been told to preach three things:
♥ Deliverance ♥ How to Hear The Holy Spirit ♥ How to fight Satan
This is the need of the hour as it demonstrates The Kingdom of God, which is what attracts people to Jesus.
Truthful PoweRFUL “wake up” call message to sleeping lukewarm Christians. I am WITHOUT EXCUSE ,THANK YOU AMEN!
Amen! Thank you for sharing. God bless you all.
Absolutely powerful. Love it. Thank you.
My dear brother,
This word is 100% pure unadulterated truth. You are speaking from the Fathers heart!
I praise the Father for you and your ministry and I thank you for all your help!
Amen. Thank you.
Amen, thank you!!!✌