HomeProphecyThe Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing


The Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing — 7 Comments

  1. Cannot have His Glory without paying the price of sanctification. That is true. Can’t remain a baby if one walks in truth justice and righteousness now, can we?  In comes the resurrection, i.e. we die to self daily, and but o dear, yes He conquered sin and death…so must we now.
    love and blessings, Patricia

  2. I saw The Ecclesia in this land being Crowned (walking in a powerful manifestation of True Kingdom Identity) and as The Crown was placed upon the head of The Ecclesia (The Head — North) I saw the hand of The Ecclesia (The Five-fold) cast The Royal Crown at His Feet.

    As The Crown was cast down, I saw a Divine Exchange take place, and a Gold Signet Ring fell upon the hand of The Five Fold!

    On reading this, my immediate thoughts were of the MINISTRY of Jesus.
    And what a ministry!!

    The sick were healed, the dead raised, the people mightily blessed as He opened up the gospel of The Kingdom.

    But – HE LAID DOWN HIS MINISTRY! – for He saw a greater glory beyond.
    And it involved walking a path not walked before. The path of death – AND RESURRECTION.

  3. Angela Weber (Tree by a Stream – YouTube) released a word that shared Canada was a crown of authority without jewels (but coming!), America was the head, and Mexico was the beard of maturity.

    So for you to point out crown w “north” leapt out as confirmation.

  4. Making sense to one who “sees” – Can the Son of man lay/rest the “headship” of His authority on us, the Ecclesia ? Luke 9:58 – YES He can! Yes He will! Yes He has! Church

    • …and in Resurrection AND Ascension – WE too ascend! We go UP Church! Now seated in heavenly places w/CHRIST! If we “sit” with Him w/can “see” w/Him. Amen. HE gave Eph.4:11 so that we can give – GIVE…to the glory of God the Father. Amen.