HomeProphecyI AM The Beginning and The End!


I AM The Beginning and The End! — 10 Comments

  1. You have just said it all Dear God’s vessel Sandi. May God give us the Grace to always know HE is Alpha & Omega;AND our Lord & savior at all times. God bless you for your kind words to me as usual.

  2. Thank you Sandi for such encouragement. God bless you Abundantly.

    Adams the Lord will Perfect that which concerns you. Continue in faith my brother. Grace to you

    • I appreciate immensely and receive wholeheartedly your abundant blessing, Julie. Thanks so much for responding. Blessings to you as well, Sandi

    • Dear Julie, may God blessings be upon you & your family. I say Amen to your prayers. I am grateful to you. Took a while to reply because of poor network issues. Pardon me!

  3. Thanks for this confirmatory words. There was a season things were not going on as I had planned, but i still held on to God & was asking HIM too many questions silently & what I needed to do. As I sat down to pray one evening, the gentle voice began to ask me some questions which i couldnt provide answers.  One of such questions was “DO YOU KNOW WHY THEY CALL ME ALPHA AND OMEGA? SO YOU ARE STILL BELIEVING IN DOCTORS & NURSES? SURRENDER ALL TO ME, FOR I WILL NEVER SHARE MY GLORY WITH ANY MAN CONCERNING YOUR CRIES TO ME! This you have rightly shared. God bless you with more Grace, Dear servant of God Sandi.

    • Thanks so very much Adams. It is so true HE is the ALpha and Omega. The one who never changes. He is our maker and Lord. Thanks for you valuable input, my friend. Blessings abundant, Sandi

  4. Oooh WOW,Snap Sandi.

    Dreamt this only weeks ago, I was in a grey cloud with God, Jesus & God’s Spirit. I couldn’t see Papa yet I knew He was all around me.
    Jesus spoke saying, “I AM, the Begining & the End. Everything Centres on Me, & Papa’s Spirit agreed.” I sensed Papa’s Spirit wanting to dance with me.(something I have never done before)

    I woke up & started dancing throughout my house, refreshed & with a renewed joy. Yes, yes, absolutely YES…..

    Arohanui Kim

    • Thanks so much for your confirming input, Kim. Powerful dream. I almost reposted an older post called “May I have this dance?” Indeed it is a new season as we war to usher in His Kingdom on earth. Many blessings! Sandi Holman

      • Just mesmerized at your grasp on words Sandi, such poetry, just like you are dancing before your King but with words.
        Keep dancing Sandi,
        Found, “May I have this dance?”
        Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL.

        • So glad you loved the dance, dear Kim! I honestly believe He loves it when we dance before Him! Thanks for your beautiful reply. Many blessings, Sandi