HomeProphecyThe Next 40 Days


The Next 40 Days — 181 Comments

  1. I just now saw this post about taking communion every day till April 20. I will start today.

  2. Could you please pray for my husband Carl…if you could pray that God will heal his body..soul and body..that he will restore unto him what was taken from him…thank you so much for praying

  3. About four or five days ago I was reading in Luke and in ch 2:41-46 realized that this time-frame is the same as when the forty days ends. However, tonight I felt led to reread your post but it wasn’t until I just went to bed and laying there realized that Jesus was 12 years old and you mention the number 12 in your post. So I felt led to get back up and send this message to you as there may be a connection.

    Many Blessings,