Newest 200 First
- India: Strict Anti-conversion Laws Introduced in Rajasthan
- Vatican City: A New Christmas Eve Ritual
- Vietnam: Two House Church Pastors Shot
- Afghanistan: a Light Shines in the Darkness
- Sri Lanka Vows to Investigate 2019 Easter Sunday Bombings
- Just Like Jehoshaphat!
- The 95 Theses of Martin Luther
- What is a Christian?
- Bangladesh: Christians Attacked in Amid Political Unrest
- India: Bishops Meet With Modi Over Treatment of Christians
- Pakistan: Plea for Protecting Christians against Blasphemy Law
- Laos: Christians Continue to Face Threats
- New Laws in Vietnam Further Pressure Christian Churches
- Laos: a New Wave of Persecution
- Afghanistan: Believers Forced to Recant
- Pakistan: Christians Traumatized by Violence
- Indians Hang Their Heads in Shame
- Church Etiquette
- India: Christians Reel From Persecution
- Pakistan: Christians Brace For Greater Persecution
- Indonesia: Blasphemy Law in Action
- Laos: Christian Family Attacked and Displaced From Home
- Pakistan: Pastor Killed After Sunday Service
- Iran: Supreme Court Reviewing Prison Terms of Christian Converts
- Returning to Our Essential Mission
- Vietnam: A Country in Crisis
- Pray For Afghanistan
- Bangladesh: Villagers Flee After Attack on Local Church
- Afghanistan: The Church in Peril
- Vietnam: Pastors Blamed for COVID-19 Outbreak
- What the Bible Says about Finances
- Should Christians Prepare for a Global Monetary Crash?
- Let Us Pray for Burma!
- Bangladesh: Church Attacked by Extremists and Failed by Police
- Your Psalm of Protection
- A Word of Encouragement to The Body of Christ
- Warnings and Prophetic Advice — The End Has Now Begun!
- Indian Government Assault on Christian Organisations
- Laos: Persecution Continues Despite Government Approving Church Activities
- LAOS: Pastors and Others Arrested on Faith-related Charges
- MALAYSIA: Inquiry Into Disappearance Of Christian Couple To Resume
- Pakistan: Church Vandalized in Land Dispute Against Christians
- USA: A Warning for Detroit
- Laos: Pastor Arrested for Conducting Church Service
- NEPAL: Pastor Arrested on Wrongful Accusation
- Indonesia: Construction of Baptist Church Blocked
- Malaysia: Pastors Still Missing
- Brunei: Where Celebrating Christmas is a Criminal Offence
- Responding to Harassment
- The Nicolaitans: Then and Today
- Sri Lanka: Continued Harassment of Christians & Fears for the Future
- An Urgent Prayer for Hong Kong
- Pakistan: Christian Couple on Death Row
- Malaysia: Enforced Disappearances Confirmed
- Indonesia: Ahok Has Been Freed!
- Prayer for Financial Blessings
- Marketplace Prayer
- Laos: Christmas Crackdown
- It Is Now Time to Raise the Dead!
- India: Dramatic Increase in Anti-Christian Attacks Before Christmas
- Indonesia: Religion and Identity in the 2019 General Elections
- Would You Still Love Me?
- A Dream of the Coming Darkness
- Pray, Pray for Asia Bibi ~ Lest They Hang Her!
- China & the Vatican: Accord on Bishop Appointments
- Nepal: Christian Couple Deported
- The Demons of Facebook and Social Media! – A Measured Response!!
- The King is Coming! Be Ready!!
- President Trump Turns Out to Be a Samson!
- Indonesia: Christian Student Jailed for Facebook Post
- India: Climate of Fear Gripping the Country
- Pray, Pray, Pray for South Africa!
- America! O America!
- Bangladesh: Pastor’s Home Burnt Down and Family Threatened
- India: Anti-conversion Law Enacted in Yet Another State
- Pakistan: Hope for Asia Bibi Amid Continued Violence Against Christians
- Indonesia: Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Bombing of 3 Churches
- India: Child Sponsorship Programs Forced to End
- A Warning Word for Australia!
- VIETNAM: Christians Forced to Recant Faith
- Wake Up! Wake Up, Oh Earth!
- Vision – “Raiders of the Airways”
- Warnings for America & Israel in the End Times!
- When the Church Has Become a Ground for Entertainment
- The Father Says Today – March 2017
- Prophetic Words For 2017 And Beyond
- The Father Says Today – February 2017
- 2017: The Breakthrough Year
- Prophetic Word for 2017 – by Jennifer Eivaz
- Everything Green for 2017 – by Dr. Theresa Phillips
- Breaking the Curse of Barrenness
- 2017: Fullness of Time – by Susan Vercelli
- America: Christian After Election Actions
- America: Waves! The Two Waves!
- A Word for Ghana
- Deliverance Calls Forth a New Song
- Three Keys to Answered Prayer
- The LORD says: Prepare for War!
- Knowing Who I Am in Christ
- God’s Covenant-Keeping Faithfulness
- Spiritually Abusive Church Leaders
- Exercising Our Civic Responsibility
- Surviving the Bite of Python
- 2016: If You Show Up, I Will Show Off (by Jane Hamon)
- What I hear about 2016 (by Nancy Haney)
- A Word for 2016 (by Rene Picota)
- 2016 – The Year of the Slipstream (by Lana Vawser)
- America 2016 – A Nation in shock (by Brian Carn)
- Closely Compacted Together
- With So Much Confusion, How Can We Know the Truth?
- Praying God’s Promises
- Prayer for Boldness in Healing
- A Season and Harvest of Tremendous Joy!
- Choosing Life
- Your Spiritual Authority through Jesus Christ!
- Are You Ready to Overcome these 12 End Time Events?
- America: the Prince of Persia is here!
- Overcoming Poverty
- At Death’s Door
- History: America today – Nazi Germany then
- Gatekeepers: Be AWARE of the Hunter!
- Prayers We Should Not Pray
- A Warning of more Shakings for Malaysia
- Tested by God’s Promise
- Fire Begets Fire
- We must Guard our Faith!
- Nigeria: Where are the Prophets?
- Gates of Praise
- Know your God; Know His ways
- Keep Hope and Trust in the Lord!
- Slavery and Bible Teaching
- Planted in God’s House
- Preparation builds Maturity
- America: The Land of the Lost
- 2015: A Year of Opportunity With Major Shifts and Breakthrough
- Prophetic Word for 2015 (Rosh Hashanah Revelations) (by Joshua Mills)
- A Prophetic Blessings for this Shemitah Year (by John Kilpatrick)
- 21 Contrasts: Commercial and Biblical Christianity
- Seeds of Revival coming forth
- 2015: A Year to Spread Your Broken Wings (by Bill Yount)
- Watch Word 2015 (by Lance Wallnau)
- Prophetic Word of the Lord for 2015 (by Wayne Sutton)
- Prophetic Word for 2015! (by Tina M Moore)
- 2015: A Powerful Release of Revelation of the Word (by Ian Johnson)
- 2015: God’s Faithfulness will be Fulfilled to Many!
- What is Love?
- The Armor of God
- How Demons Hinder Prayers in the Sky
- The Beginning Of Sorrows…
- Commanding Angels?
- Warfare Strategies: Checking in with the Chief Commander
- To which Prophets do We Listen?
- America: Heading for Revival or Retribution?
- Can the Unclean be Made Clean?
- Satanic Music? In Church?
- A Word from Jehovah Rapha
- The Lord says, The World’s Systems are Failing…
- The Value of “Thou,” “Thee,” and “Thy”
- I Will Pour Out My Spirit On All Flesh
- A New Movement is Coming Forth in God’s Church!
- A Greater Touch…
- The Death of Freedom
- Stanley Frodsham 1965 Prophecy – A Warning to America
- Word of Warning for America!
- Warning of Another 9/11 Scale Attack
- The Father Says Today – June 2014
- What is Going On?
- Disasters set to fall on America
- The First 6 Days in HELL!
- The Angel of the Lord Over the Statue of Liberty
- The Intolerance of Jesus
- Scriptures & Confessions for when your Child is Scared
- 2014 The Year of Recovery and Discovery
- Word for 2014 by Shane W Roessiger
- A Word of The Lord for the Prophets
- A Word for 2014 by Mary Craig
- Prophetic Word for 2014 by Josh Crofton
- Three Surprising Ways to Grieve the Holy Spirit
- Hades, Sheol, Hell and the Grave — What the Bible says…
- WALK in the SPIRIT (Part 2)
- The Three Suppers of Jesus
- This is just the beginning of my judgement…
- The Month of Tishrei
- A Letter from Satan to all Human Being on this Earth…
- Heaven has planned a Divine Assault
- A Messenger of Peace
- A New Move of God Is Emerging
- Transcending the Cult of NICE
- Prayer for Freedom from Habitual Sins
- Prayer for Sexual Healing
- The Divine Purpose For The Temple
- Prayer for Inner Healing
- Prayer for Breaking Curses
- The LIFE Prayer
- A Bedtime Prayer
- A Prayer to Receive Jesus Christ as Savior
- The Wheels of Religion and Tradition
- A Daily Prayer (Head of Household)
- A Daily Prayer (Extended Version)
- A Daily Prayer