HomeProphecy747 What God Is Saying!


747 What God Is Saying! — 7 Comments

  1. Hi all could anyone please tell me in simple biblical understanding how to make sense of this number as I also come across this number several times

  2. I’ve noticed the number 47 and recently 747 so I looked it up and found this site.
    I also saw it’s the area code for LA- so I think we need the pray for California right now and our nation with the border crisis and talk of massive earthquakes and terrorists hiding on American soil. Thank you for posting this.
    I’ve also noticed the number 737.

  3. I don’t know if this is related, but for the last 10+ years here and there, the number 747 has presented itself to me. In fact, the reason I came across this article is because I was searching what it could possibly mean because it has come up so many times. Today it came up on my phone in the form of the day of the month and the temperature combined. Other days it has been me looking at the time at exactly 7:47. I realize how people could think it’s coincidental, but I have noticed the same number 747 appear again and again too many times for it just be coincidental. I just thought I’d share for what it’s worth.

      • I’ll say that 747 has come up with everything…for many years, exercising checking times, looking randomly for time throughout the day; keeping track of time, I’ve noticed it more often than not with life, but I know it has a meaning…

        I’m not mad hatter or anything, but I will be observant of 7-4-2024….because it’s been overly brought to my attention

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