7 False Beliefs That Keep You from Writing Your Book
When I got the idea for my first book, it took me 3 years before I even started writing it.
Once I started, I wrote the manuscript in 3 weeks!
I went from struggling with fear of failure, discouragement and guilt — to being the author of 12 books, with others in the works.
Before God gave me a strategy to write (more on that below), I lived in the land of procrastination. I had many good reasons/ excuses for not being able to write, so I experienced many of these symptoms:
- Feeling overwhelmed.
- Not knowing how to get started.
- Doubting myself.
- Being afraid of actually writing it and sharing it with people.
- Having a hard time disciplining myself to write.
- Experiencing writer’s block and staring at an empty page.
Maybe you can relate, too. In fact, I know you’re not alone.
I know that many of you have felt called to write a book or you’re still sitting on an idea. I want to encourage you: Don’t dismiss that dream!
Here’s what I discovered: At the root of all of these symptoms of procrastination are false beliefs that we think are true.
Here are some of the most common false beliefs would-be writers often believe about writing a book:
1: “There are already so many books out there, so I don’t need to write mine.”
Truth: Don’t be discouraged by the number of books out there — there are none like yours!
2: “I don’t have time to write.”
While it’s true that some seasons of our lives are busier than others, you are never too busy to capture ideas and jot down thoughts as they come to you.
Truth: You do not have to strive. God is outside of time, so you only need to ask Him to show you how to make time for the things that are important to you.
You may even need to set some new boundaries in your life in this season so you can make time for the new things that God is calling you to do.
Bonus Tip: Keep a notebook or use a note app on your mobile device so you can keep all your thoughts, information and things that God gives you all in one place. This way you will be “writing” your book as you go.
Ask yourself: What is one simple thing I can do today so I can get one step closer to writing my book?
3: “My story/ book idea isn’t good enough.”
Truth: If you have a story or experience that could benefit other people, then you need to share it when God calls you to do it. Your book may be just the thing they need to get a breakthrough.
4: “I’m not a good writer.”
I have struggled with ADD and dyslexia, so I know what it’s like to overcome obstacles to writing.
But I’m convinced that anyone who wants to write a book can do it — you just need to think outside of your current situation and tap into God’s creative Spirit.
For example, are you better at speaking than writing?
Then consider recording the things you want to say. Tell your story to a friend or group of people who will listen and record it. Then you can transcribe and edit it later (or pay someone to do those things).
Truth: There are many creative ways to get your ideas and message in book form. There is no rule that says you have to do the typing and editing yourself.
5: “I’m too old to write a book.”
I didn’t publish my first book until I was 46 years old. J.R.R. Tolkien was 62 years old when he first published his The Lord of the Rings series.
Truth: Whether you are in your 20s or 80s, you are never too old (or too young) to write. Who knows? Your bestseller could be something you write even 10 or 20 years from now!
6: “I don’t think my book will get published.”
God is releasing so much new revelation from Heaven right now.
Over the next few years, a lot of new books are going to be written and published. Your book can be one of them.
Truth: With the internet and the ease of self-publishing, there has never been an opportunity like we have right now to get new books out there.
In Write Your Book Now! I give you insights on how to publish and promote your book, including how to publish on Kindle.
7: “I don’t know where to begin.”
The root of this statement is often procrastination.
Procrastination is the false belief that says putting something off will bring a greater reward than doing it.
Truth: You can start at any point in your book. The key is to get the thoughts out of your head and onto paper. Just start writing as thoughts or words come to you and then it can be organized later.
But if you really do feel stuck or get writer’s block when you try to write, I have a free gift for you.
I’ve put together a free video with 5 tips to help you get started . Get access to it here. In less than 20 minutes, you’ll be much closer than you are now because it helps to break things down into smaller, simple tasks.
I’m excited to help more people just like you find their life’s message and get their books written!
~ Doug Addison
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Doug Addison is a prominent conference speaker captivating audiences with clean stand-up comedy and high energy prophetic messages, also shared on TV, radio and the Internet for over a decade. He brings laughter, fun and a unique prophetic style while empowering people to transform their lives, discover their destiny and understand dreams, tattoos and piercings. His powerful messages stay with his audiences long after hearing him.
This is so great, I love it. Thank you.
Wonderful. Thank you so much brother.