3 Words: “It Is Written!”
Look closely at the picture.
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You will see that the Bible she is holding reflects in the water as a SWORD!
Heavenly Father was speaking to my heart that like myself lately. The enemy has tried to turn up the heat of the battle! Many are going through great times of adversity.
As believers, we are not promised that life will be a walk in the park. When we take up the cross and follow Jesus, we are in essence picking up the sword and running into battle.
A battle on behalf of ourselves, our families, our nation and the list goes on. We know that the enemy is a defeated foe, because we know his fate.
However, we must keep up the good fight of faith even in the midst of great adversity until The LORD returns!
I know what you may be thinking… “easy for me to say,” because I don’t know your struggle.
You’re right, I don’t know what you are going through, but believe me when I say I have faced and am still facing much adversity in my life.
You see, you and I have a destiny “IN CHRIST” to fulfill, and the enemy doesn’t want that to happen! “BUT GOD IS GREATER”
God IS greater and the ploy of the enemy is to get us to drop our sword and give up and give in. The word of God is the greatest most powerful weapon we can wield in battle!
I recently was reminded by Holy Spirit of a teaching to remind the enemy by quoting scripture aloud and say… enemies of God, ‘IT IS WRITTEN” such as for example…
Enemies of God, “IT IS WRITTEN” that ‘I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR IN CHRIST’ according to Romans 8:37!
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us,” NKJV.
Just as Jesus reminded the enemy in the desert when he came with temptation to our Lord and Savior… Jesus reminded Satan ‘IT IS WRITTEN.”
Such power in those 3 words! We must not throw down our swords!
Every day, cling tight to The LORD and HIS Word. Use your concordance or Google specific scriptures regarding your battle and start quoting to the the enemy…
‘IT IS WRITTEN” until he runs at the first word out of your mouth “IT” ……
Stand strong my friends, for truly we are more than conquerors in our LORD Jesus Christ!
Blessings and HIS abundant grace to you!
~ Stacey Talbot
Stacey Talbott of Woven Impact Coaching is a passionate purveyor of HOPE through Jesus! Called as a Prophetess/ Seer, Stacey operates under the power and unction of Holy Spirit. Physical, emotional healing are part of her ministry.
Stacey is a Certified Christian Coach who loves to speak the heart of God into others. She also loves to write for the LORD, encouraging others with HIS life giving words, in various forms including prophetic poetry.
Stacey may be contacted by email at coaching@wovenimpactcoaching.com or via Woven Impact Coaching or her Facebook Page: “Deeper Things ~ Thoughts from Heaven“.
Stacey, this was so for me and just yesterday I was reminded of that Words Jesus spoke:” It is written”. Lately I am so weak and the storms just don’t stop. I am so disappointed in myself for not being strong.
IS 33.24