Elijah and Revival
It’s funny how we remember verses, even passages, of scripture yet we read them for the hundredth time and a new revelation leaps off the page at us!
Continue reading →It’s funny how we remember verses, even passages, of scripture yet we read them for the hundredth time and a new revelation leaps off the page at us!
Continue reading →“My change shall shift your thinking and direct your course and your change shall keep you on course with new connections and new elections.”
Continue reading →I heard The Spirit say, “Daughter tell them not to miss this moment of Visitation!”
Continue reading →“Your gifts and dedication are not looked upon as small and insignificant, but great in My sight,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I have been asked; “Did The LORD warn about these horrendous fires in Los Angeles?” “Where were the Watchmen and Women warning about these disasters?”
Continue reading →On the night of January 13, 2025, I saw in a Vision, Gold Flakes coming down from the sky, so thick, it was hard to see through them.
Continue reading →The enemy hates to see his plans to destroy you backfire, as every attack only strengthens your resolve to draw closer to God.
Continue reading →The LORD is extending an invitation to The Body of Christ to rise up and experience a profound season of revelation, and deeper intimacy with Him.
Continue reading →A monument is what is left after a moment has passed on. It is all there is left as a record of what once was real.
Continue reading →As I sat in stillness, a soft familiar voice spoke quietly to my heart, “I AM with you. I AM right here beside you. “
Continue reading →Today, I heard, “You are the Light of the world.” And I also see Angels of Light accompanying us as we go into all the world with the Gospel of Grace.
Continue reading →I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch and Pray — as The Nation of America now goes through the Eye if a Needle!
Continue reading →I pray God’s Grace be upon you to humble yourself, and know the wickedness of your own heart.
Continue reading →It’s time to come to The LORD in humility saying, “LORD, I’ve done it my way for too long. Now I turn to you and your way!”
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