Awake From Your Spiritual Slumber!
“Awake from your spiritual slumber, for it is the sleep of death sent to kill your real life in Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Awake from your spiritual slumber, for it is the sleep of death sent to kill your real life in Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Do not say that it is no use, and your hope is dried up and you will not see My goodness and mercy and justice in the land of the living in your days,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“You are a new wineskin now, full and overflowing with the best wine. Yes, I have saved the best for last,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Saints, for the past two weeks, I’ve been teaching about guarding against a reprobate mind, and not losing understanding of the Word of Truth.
Continue reading →The rise of “Celebrity Preachers” has made it easy for people to idolize personalities rather than pursue Christ.
Continue reading →God not only heard, He Ordained it! God not only heard your Prayers, He Ordained it to come forth in this season!
Continue reading →“The conjuring of the enemy shall come to nothing! Receive the Washing of Regeneration, Renewal, and Refreshing! Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says The LORD of Hosts!
Continue reading →“Rejoice in this day that I have created for you to enjoy,” says The LORD. “Turn your thoughts toward Me and look away from the problems!”
Continue reading →Here is what Jesus says: “You cannot have peace and happiness if you do not consume Me. I AM The Bread of Life. My People need to submit to Me.”
Continue reading →What does it really mean to be in love with God? Most believers are convinced that God loves everyone in the world and cares deeply for them and the world.
Continue reading →“Rejoice My People! Rejoice in Me! Rejoice in My Presence for praise is right and good for your souls,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I will give thanks to The LORD for He has made me glad. I am truly blessed to have Him in my life supplying all our needs.
Continue reading →“A Great Awakening is coming to My People. They will remember who I AM. People will remember I AM the God of their fathers.,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I will renew and refresh you continually so that you will never fail nor faint,” says The LORD.
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