2025 — Will Mark the Beginning of the Rise of the Marked Ones!
I heard The Spirit say, “2025 — will mark the beginning of The Rise of The Marked Ones!
Yes! For 2025 will be the beginning of a True and Divine Definition of The Office of the Prophet — and there shall be a Supernatural Manifestation of the Purity of the Prophetic Ministry like never seen before.
For there will be a Rise of the Broken and the Contrite, for the Pure in Heart will not only see Me, but they will carry and demonstrate My Power and Authority as My Servant-Kings on the Earth!”
These rising, shining, Glory Carrying Servant-Kings will arise from obscurity and from the Hidden Places, to take up the Mantle of a new breed of Prophetic Voices that will speak forth Words, that will resonate and reverberate with the heart of The Father in The Nations of the Earth.
The Words in their Mouths will not merely be echoes of the past seasons, or a regurgitation of the old wineskin, but their Words will carry the weight of His Glory upon them, their Words will come forth as powerful declarations that will shift atmospheres and transform lives.
The broken will find healing, the lost will discover their True God Breathed Identity, and the captives will be set free through the bold proclamations of these yielded and Holy and Chosen Vessels.
In this Next season, the distinguishing true Mark of this new breed of Fire-filled Prophets will be their unwavering humility, their uncompromising convictions for Truth and a deep Love and Compassion.
Ha! They will not seek the limelight or recognition — but instead, they will seek the Audience of the One True God, they will be content to serve in the shadows, lifting and raising up others rather than seeking to elevate and promote themselves.
The purity of their hearts will attract the Manifest Power of The Seven Spirits of God like a magnet, allowing for unprecedented encounters with The Glory.
Signs, Wonders and Miracles will mark and define them, and bring a Holy Distinction to their Ministry and the Supernatural Manifestations that come forth from this new breed of Mighty Reformers, will be rooted in Love and Mercy.
Watch! For God is now raising up a new Kingdom Generation that will move in The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding that will reflect where true Power and Authority lies — not in the display of human ability and might, but in the gentle touch of His Grace that brings to birth Restoration and Reconciliation within The Nations.
And as the world teeters on the brink of chaos and destruction, these Pure Prophetic Voices will serve as beacons of Light and Radical hope, shining brightly in the ever increasing darkness.
They will call forth the True Identity and Destiny of Nations, and will wear the Mantle of Priesthood interceding with Divine Revelation and discernment even as Daniel did.
Many will come to know the King of Kings through their Holy, transparent and passionate lives, for the true authenticity and Integrity of their walk will draw others to the heart of The Father.
The heavens will open at the Sound of their Voices, and a fresh wave of Divine revelation will pour forth, to unveil and reveal the Hidden mysteries and Secrets of virgin Dimensions of His Glory for such a Time as this.
The True Remnant will no longer be satisfied with surface-level knowledge, but they will thirst for a deeper understanding and a demonstration of the Ways of God.
In this pursuit, they will find themselves standing in awe of His Majesty and Grace.”
Let’s get ready!
Prepare your hearts — for I hear the Sound of Rattling on the Earth and the Roll of Thunder in the Heavens, for His Resurrection Breath — the Winds of Revival — are now beginning to blow, and the ground and the Foundations of Nations, are now being set for a Great Awakening.
Listen! The sound of New Life — New Beginnings — is Rising, and those who rightly align and position themselves in prayer and humility will stand to see and witness the unfolding plans and purposes of Heaven in the Earth realm.
Look! The Birthing of a new Kingdom Era — a new Wineskin of the Prophetic — is upon us, and those who have been faithful in obscurity will suddenly find themselves elevated and accelerated in God’s Kingdom Agenda on the Earth.
Watch! For this is a Kairos Time, a time of greater Preparation and Acceleration, the Birthing of a new Kingdom Age of Divine Manifestation of Revival and Miracles is at hand!
Arise! Shine! And step in with Boldness, Courage and Great Faith! This is the Moment when the New and Ancient come together, when the Kairos and Chronos collide!
Faith and Expectation are Rising for what is about to come forth!
Though the Vision has tarried, behold, I do a new thing! It shall now spring forth!
The Hour of Divine Restoration and Kingdom Reformation is now being Birthed and The Nations of the Earth shall see The Glory of The LORD revealed!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Galations 1: 15-17
Thank you for the inspiration. You understand. ✌️✝️
“Then the LORD thundered, “Bring on the men appointed to punish the city! Tell them to bring their weapons with them!” Six men soon appeared from the upper gate that faces north, each carrying a deadly weapon in his hand. With them was a man dressed in linen, who carried a writer’s case at his side. They all went into the Temple courtyard and stood beside the bronze altar. Then The Glory of the GOD of Israel rose up from between the cherubim, where it had rested, and moved to the entrance of the Temple. And the LORD called to the man dressed in linen who was carrying the writer’s case. He said to him, “Walk through the streets of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of all who weep and sigh because of the detestable sins being committed in their city.” Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, “Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all—old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin right here at the Temple.” So they began by killing the seventy leaders. “Defile the Temple!” the LORD commanded. “Fill its courtyards with corpses. Go!” So they went and began killing throughout the city. While they were out killing, I was all alone. I fell face down on the ground and cried out, “O Sovereign LORD! Will Your fury against Jerusalem wipe out everyone left in Israel?” Then He said to me, “The sins of the people of Israel and Judah are very, very great. The entire land is full of murder; the city is filled with injustice. They are saying, ‘The LORD doesn’t see it! The LORD has abandoned the land!’ So I will not spare them or have any pity on them. I will fully repay them for all they have done.” Then the man in linen clothing, who carried the writer’s case, reported back and said, “I have done as you commanded.”
Ezekiel 9:1-11 NLT
Part 1: “For troubles shall indeed come but those who stand in me shall not be alarmed nor shall they be harmed – Only believe! I will bring you through the fire and the waters shall not overwhelm you. For your life is hidden with Christ in me so fear not!! My bride my chosen one fear not!! I will not let these things overwhelm you I will bring you through it all and you shall stand on dry ground on firm ground on the other side and look and see your enemies defeated behind you. For the day will indeed declare it!!
And the heat of that Day shall make sure that no flesh can stand before me – it will be like oven – for in that Day only those who are IN ME shall make it through – this is always the way I do things. But to those who fear My name I shall arise with healing in my wings and they shall not need to fear what is happening all around them for I will lift them up to safety and they shall be within Me….for a time and times and half a time. I hide my own like a mother hen over her brood. Fear not-only believe for as the sun comes up with a burning heat and traverses it’s course across the sky so I will be a refuge and a hiding place to those who place their heart trust in Me. Look to me all the earth and be saved from this perverse and wicked generation. Look to Me and know that I am God I will be exalted above the heavens I will be exalted in the earth!!
Part 2: The year shall begin with a big bang and those who perpetrate such a thing have their own goal for it. The cause of this shall be an inquiry into things unseen and unknown by them. Those who do this thing violate what Heaven has decreed and violate their own conscience in doing so. On their own soil and on their own people they do this horrible deed but these are the things that I said must happen and these are the things I say will distract many…for the wheat must be gathered into the barn and the chaff must be blown away–by the Day for it shall declare it–what sort it is.
I know the thoughts and intents of the heart I search the inner motives and hidden aspirations of man to know what he is thinking and what he is planning for himself and others. I reveal only in part for I cannot trust man for I know what is in him. Their plans shall utterly fail but not before it appears they have won the victory. These are days of vengeance says the Lord and many shall be caught and overcome by these things. I do not destroy I do not kill and I do not steal it is not my desire that any should perish but that all should know Me FROM THE LEAST OF THEM TO THE GREATEST ALL SHALL KNOW ME FOR i AM A GOOD GOD AND NOT AS THE ENEMY WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE.
Run to me and be saved! Run into me and find refuge from the hot and dry wind about to blow fiercely upon the whole earth. Their teeth are sharpened and their hearts are fat like grease for they hunger for blood and moan noisily for the day of doom..for they think they shall come out on top. Woe to them for the end is near for them and for their plans. They shall fall and no one will help them get up again.
Part 3: Broken! smashed by the well…not one shard shall be picked up and put together to another…for the Day shall be fierce and the flame shall burn. All these things shall happen and all these things shall be…for a noise shall come from the sanctuary and the heavens shall be on fire for the Day of the Lord has come….a day of darkness and deep distress the nations are in turmoil and men’s hearts shall fear but you my chosen ones do not fear these things for they are not FOR YOU no they are to sound the alarm and cause the nations to gather together and make that decision I want them to make!Make ready a people for eternity! Make ready a vessel of honour! I am He that the nations reject and yet am also the desire of all nations! I am the one who is the first and the last so that there is no escaping me – My sword pierces the heart and opens up the way to the river of Life. I am the One who stands in the presence of the Father and says COME UNTO ME MY CHOSEN MY ROYAL BRIDE..i have loved you with an everlasting love and I will care you unto your grey hairs I will gather you up and cradle you in my arms for I am your king and your lover…unto the end of time…your times are in my hand and not in you to know how to walk and where to go..I lead I gather in, I purchase and I choose. So be not afraid of the fearful sights and the loud bangs for all those things shall fade away to reveal and new heavens and a new earth even for those who have looked only to Me.” https://see-jesus.com
This word is such a Gift. Amen amd Amen!!
God bless you beautiful lady, Happy New Year!!
The true remnant will no longer be satisfied with surface-level knowledge, but they will thirst for a deeper level understanding and a demonstration of the ways of God! I just journaled this in the wee hours of the morning just past midnight as a new years resolution commitment! I have been dwelling in obscurity now for some time hidden near the enemies encampment. I’ve been content to serve in the shadows lifting up others rather than promoting myself. I pray so be it to the rest of your prophecy and sit in awe of the Lord! Yours truly, Dana.
Hi Dana
I’m curious. Could you tell me more about your situation?
Oh, how I long to see this..purity, power, loyalty and obedient service to the Lord. Amen
The Lord is doing a new thing (Is 43:19) and it shall spring forth speedily, for the glory of God in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen
Shall it not spring forth ?
Bless you sister
Have a year full of treasurey
Awesome word and I receive this!!! Blessings to you Veronica for posting this timely and powerful word of the Lord!!!