2025: Who Is the King of Glory?
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The King Of Glory by Gerry Holman
The Voice of The LORD spoke to remind me, “The darkness is great, but greater still is My Glory.
Never forget, My Truth shall light up the darkness.
The bigger the lies and deeper the deception, the more I AM magnifying The Truth — The Truth is who I AM.
I AM leading the way! Mark my words, ‘Many shall embrace The Truth, and The Truth shall bring Resurrection Life to those who have swallowed the bait of Satan. And as My Truth brings life so shall I be glorified.
The foolish plans that men have devised in this opportune time are making headlines daily, but I AM announcing this day, ‘it is later than you think’ and ‘it won’t be long now before The Reign of The LORD’s Anointed will be the BREAKING NEWS all across The Nations,” says The Light of the World.
“Never let go of Who I AM.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life — and I AM The King of Glory!
Glorious days are looming ahead before My Chosen ones. In this time of upheaval, total disobedience, and rebellion continually on the rise, I shall be glorified.”
In the quiet silence of the early morning, I often find myself waiting on The LORD and I sing a song that I love dearly.
I first heard it back in the days of the early Charismatic movement called ‘Commune with me’.
The LORD said, “Beloved, angelic host are here ministering silently, but many are revealing their presence and stepping in to assist and carry out the heavenly assignments ordered from heaven for these moments of glory. Yes, My Glory shall cover the earth.
Beloved, In the twinkling of an eye, change will erupt and blow up the plans set in motion by the witchcraft schemes of the enemy,” says The LORD of Glory.
“I AM beckoning you — morning by morning — to commune with Me, communicate with Me, activate My Word.
Take up your sword and prepare to war. Discipline and Prayer are the power twins needed for The Spirit of Might to crash every plan that is working behind the scenes to takeover and destroy The Nations,” says The Only Wise God.
I have been seeing a calendar of the month of January 2025 and The LORD spoke clearly, “It is the first month of 2025 — and I AM calling all Watchmen to stay on the wall for the full 31 days as President Donald J Trump steps in officially as President of the United States.
Know this, they are named United States but they are still not completely United.
The spirit of division is still hard at work behind the scenes.
I AM shining My Light into the darkness to reveal the hidden works. You shall stand still and see My Hand at work to put things in place.
This is a time when My Warriors shall see and know the value of covenant.
My Covenant will not be broken! My Love is as deep as the ocean and it is pouring over you in waves of refreshing and joy in these last days.
The Weapons of your Warfare are mighty and LOVE is one of your greatest weapons in these end-times.
My Love is reaching out to commune and communicate through relationships with My Chosen.
As we develop deeper communication, so shall our intimacy become your love language. My great desire is to reveal My Love and open up your understanding of our covenant.
Pause and take a deep breath, allow my love to penetrate your mind and let my joy fill your emotions to a new level of hope and transparency of our deep covenant relationship.
You are My Bride.
“How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and His Anointed King, saying; Let’s come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains of God and His Christ! God Enthroned merely laughs at them; the Sovereign One mocks their madness!” Psalm 2:1-4 TPT.
“Just as I AM asking for and expecting instant obedience in these days of desperation, I AM guiding your steps in ways you did not see coming, so get ready to step into some unknown places!” says The Tour Guide of All Creation.
“I have truly prepared a place for you in this moment of great Truth.
You must not allow your emotions to get out of hand and cause your heart to be filled with fear, but let your trust in my unfailing ways be wrapped around you like a Coat of Arms, knowing I would never lead you wrong — no, never would I lead you astray. So, let flexibility be your mainstay!
Remember in My Word, you have read that Philip went to ‘out of the way’ places, so it shall be in these times for My Willing and Obedient Ones.
I already have select places that I AM sending you to reach out to those in great need, who would never ‘darken the door’ of the organized Church.
As you seek My Heart, your heart too will break for those who are staggering in the darkness and many who are spoken of as outcasts. Some have fallen away from truth in these times of deception.
The hour is very late — but I AM an on time God.
I encourage you to seek My Face and trust My Plan. I will fill in the gaps.
I AM sending Angelic Hosts to cover the land with My great Power and Love.
You shall hear My Voice sound out, “Blow the Trumpet in Zion!” — and sound the alarm with a new sound of Freedom!
Let My Word go forth with clarity! Listen and prepare your heart to Prophesy to the hungry who are fainting in their hearts for lack of encouragement and hope.
There has never been a greater time to reach the lost,” says The Savior. “Prepare the way of The LORD.
Beloved, the battle of the ages is on and it is being fought out in the very ‘soul’ of mankind.
The mind must be captured at all costs, to hear The Truth.
The will must be engaged to move forward with Hope, and the emotions must be tightly wrapped up in a desire to romance The King.
There is no more time to allow fear to capture hearts with emotional distress and confusion, but it is a time to fight the good fight of Faith.
Listen and obey the Voice of The Holy Spirit, and follow as He leads the way to Victory.
The devil has come to kill, steal, and destroy, to maim and stop the elect from fulfilling their destiny.
I say to the Mighty Warriors, there is no choice! War has been declared!
You have been enlisted as the Victory Brigade!
So, awaken and stretch out your arms to embrace the greatest assignment of all time.
The fields are white unto harvest.
Take a deep breath and envision your field that I AM calling you to for you inheritance.
Take your places, lock arms and answer The Call!” says the Captain of The LORD of Hosts.
“Holiness, purity and glory shall indeed cover the land as the Mighty Warriors yield their cleansed hearts in great delight and expectation, for I AM truly releasing the opportunity to carry My Heart in a Spirit of Holiness, to the lost and thirsty Nations,” says The God of all the world.
“My Glory shall cover all the earth — for I AM The King of Glory.”
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Throughout this years’ long process, I have experienced expansion through contraction, but had emotionally identified with the losses, the ridicule, persrecutions, tribulations, rebukes, exposures, isolations, demonizations, marginalization, and exclusion. Even the non-covering of the church I sought refuge in. But, this morning when I awakened I declared our maker is the Lord Gpd, strong and mighty, mighty in battle, He is the King of Glory! Only to be led to Tiktok, to read a prophecy that, in a word, was accusatory. But for some reason when I typed: King of Glory, I saw the same title as that so-called prophecy and if was this word, GOD IS THE CAUSE OF IT ALL, GOD IS THE KING OF GLORY!
So glad to hear from you! My heart leapt when I saw it was from you. As the winter approaches and the transition, we may think we are alone, weary from the fight, but hang on. This word confirms much what I am hearing as well. You give words with beauty and honor. You are missed.
Great to hear from you MaryBeth! I miss you also. It truly is always great to receive a confirmation.I am so glad it confirms mch for you. Thanks so much for your kind words. I desire to honor the one who called me. Much love and Merry Christmas! xoxo Sandi
Oh precious Sandi thank you again for confirmation I cried through it all and when Christ said “Pause and take a deep breath” I literally had to take a deep breath. Every day I pray for the Remnant and God showed me all of us in battle array and sitting on these beautiful horses and the horses snorting, excited, ready for battle and the remnant with their swords raised up high and just waiting for our Commander and Chief to blow the horn. Were at that turning point right now and as Watchmen we have to lift each other up. The attacks have been fierce but the VICTORY is ours! You have a blessed day and a very Merry Christmas!
Aw Pam! I just love how the Lord reaches us so deeply in our hearts. I sometimes feel that way when I am listening and HE is speaking to me to prophesy. It can be such a humbling experience. We must stand tall and lock arms as watchmen in these times as you say a ‘turning point’! We must PRESS ON. Victory is ours! God richly bless you as you move into the new year. May He fill you with new dreams and visions as you sit in the secret place. Merry Christmas! xoxo Sandi
Wow a strong word yes we must stay strong and continue to be the Watchmen on the Wall !!
Indeed, Lis, there is just no choice Thanks or your input. Together we stand, divided we fall. xoxo Sandi
I love this Word from heaven! Thank you!
Thank you Jeannine, we are marching together to the tune of a different drummer in this hour. Great is the reward as we give the mighty roar of the Lion of Judah. Merry Christmas, my friend. xoxoSandi
Thank you Sherry! There is great power in the power of two! I appreciate your agreement. Have a blessed Christmas and may your new year hold new surprises from the goodness of God. Sandi