HomeProphecy20252025: Who Is the King of Glory?


2025: Who Is the King of Glory? — 11 Comments

  1. Throughout this years’ long process, I have experienced expansion through contraction, but had emotionally identified with the losses, the ridicule, persrecutions, tribulations, rebukes, exposures, isolations, demonizations, marginalization, and exclusion. Even the non-covering of the church I sought refuge in. But, this morning when I awakened I declared our maker is the Lord Gpd, strong and mighty, mighty in battle, He is the King of Glory! Only to be led to Tiktok, to read a prophecy that, in a word, was accusatory. But for some reason when I typed: King of Glory, I saw the same title as that so-called prophecy and if was this word, GOD IS THE CAUSE OF IT ALL, GOD IS THE KING OF GLORY!

  2. So glad to hear from you!  My heart leapt when I saw it was from you. As the winter approaches and the transition, we may think we are alone, weary from the fight, but hang on. This word confirms much what I am hearing as well. You give words with beauty and honor. You are missed.

    • Great to hear from you MaryBeth! I miss you also. It truly is always great to receive a confirmation.I am so glad it confirms mch for you. Thanks so much for your kind words. I desire to honor the one who called me. Much love and Merry Christmas! xoxo Sandi

  3. Oh precious Sandi thank you again for confirmation I cried through it all and when Christ said “Pause and take a deep breath” I literally had to take a deep breath.  Every day I pray for the Remnant and God showed me all of us in battle array and sitting on these beautiful horses and the horses snorting, excited, ready for battle and the remnant with their swords raised up high and just waiting for our Commander and Chief to blow the horn.  Were at that turning point right now and as Watchmen we have to lift each other up.  The attacks have been fierce but the VICTORY is ours!  You have a blessed day and a very Merry Christmas!

    • Aw Pam! I just love how the Lord reaches us so deeply in our hearts. I sometimes feel that way when I am listening and HE is speaking to me to prophesy. It can be such a humbling experience. We must stand tall and lock arms as watchmen in these times as you say a ‘turning point’! We must PRESS ON. Victory is ours! God richly bless you as you move into the new year. May He fill you with new dreams and visions as you sit in the secret place. Merry Christmas! xoxo Sandi


    I love this Word from heaven! Thank you!

    • Thank you Jeannine, we are marching together to the tune of a different drummer in this hour. Great is the reward as we give the mighty roar of the Lion of Judah. Merry Christmas, my friend. xoxoSandi

    • Thank you Sherry! There is great power in the power of two! I appreciate your agreement. Have a blessed Christmas and may your new year hold new surprises from the goodness of God. Sandi

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