2025: The Beginnings of Seismic Shifts and Even Greater Splits
2025: The Beginnings of Seismic Shifts and Even Greater Splits
I heard these Words, ”Daughter watch for 2025 is going to be a Year of the Beginnings of Seismic Shifts and even Greater Splits.
But fear not for the Spilts and Tears will be Signs of the Breaking of the Old and the Birthing of the New Wineskin.”
But then The LORD said to me, ”Daughter, many of the Splits and Tares that have taken place and are still taking place are because many have tried to pour New Wine into an old Wineskin!”
And He said ”Though the Birthing is painful and messy, you must embrace the Shaking and Trust Me in the Breaking, for what I am about to bring forth into The Nations of the Earth, Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, and hearts have not even imagined!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Amen, looking forward to 2025. God have your way!