An alphabetical list of 2025 Prophecies
- 2025 a Year of Turn Around and Reversals by Geraldine Coleman
- 2025: The Beginnings of Seismic Shifts and Even Greater Splits by Veronika West
- 2025: The Year of the Prophetic by Chris G. Bennett
- 2025: Who Is the King of Glory? by Sandi Holman
- A Timely Post for America by Elizabeth Cassutto
- Appointed, Anointed, Awakened and Assigned — 2025 by Sandi Holman
- First Installment of a Word For 2025/5785 by Veronika West
- Jesus is Alive in 2025 by Elaine Tavolacci
- Kingdom and Covenant Coalitions Now Taking Place Over the Nations by Veronika West
- Vision of Divine Scattering and Gathering for 2025 by Veronika West
- You Want More? A Prophetic Word for 2025 by Joyce D. McGuire