2025: A Personal Reflection & A Prophetic Word
It’s the year-end again, but our eyes are not on the season before us.
We’re not even looking at the 2025 New Year coming up in a few days. No! — our eyes are on the next five (5) years!
Unlike so many who review their own five-year plan, we don’t even have a five year plan.
We only have God’s Plan!
So we are looking at God’s five-year Plan as He reveals it to us.
When I was diagnosed with myeloma, back in 2019, we immediately received a Word from The LORD, through a prophet, for fifteen more years!
We also heard from The LORD, “Divine transfusion, Christ’s blood for Chris’s blood!”
Then later I heard, “It is DONE!”, and I felt it lift off of me!
I claimed my healing and we believe it is now so! Hallelujah \o/
So when The LORD starts to speak to us about the next five years, we tend to sit up and take notice!
Especially when five years has already passed — and we now consider the next five.
This isn’t cloud cuckoo land — this is the reality of God’s Word in our lives.
But it’s not just us is it?
When you’re talking about the outworking of God’s Plan in all of our lives, it’s more about everything round about you that revolves about, and includes, you.
Some time ago, The LORD gave us a mandate for our ministry in Wales. It was all about putting stakes in the ground to reclaim Wales for Gods Kingdom, for reopening the old wells of revival throughout Wales, and helping The Church there!
Now, we are in a new Church in middle England, with a new mandate to help grow the Kingdom of God in a new location.
So it’s not just about us — it’s about God’s Kingdom and His people wherever you are or wherever He sends you!
So, what can we expect next year and beyond?
Firstly, I believe, a further move, growing ever more pronounced and obvious, of The Holy Spirit throughout The United Kingdom — but especially in the midlands of England!
New doors and new wells have been opened, and more new ones will be dug, and will flow with the living water of Ezekiel 47, Joel 2, and of John 4.
There will be even more serious opposition from the satanic world — even more than currently, and the forces of witchcraft will come against those who dare stand for the Kingdom of God.
However, the horsemen and chariots of Israel stand ready to wage war on behalf of God’s People, and the prophets and intercessors will lead the end-time army,
God’s Remnant Army, in the battle ahead
Secondly, we are not alone — God is for us and God is with us in this!
God is raising leaders, prophets and intercessors from all age groups, especially the younger generation, who will be anointed for the days ahead.
This truly will be The LORD moving through this generation as we see the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy of The Holy Spirit being poured out ‘on ALL flesh’ — men, women, old, young, all races, and all tribes and tongues — Joel 2:28-29 NKJV
I believe it has started small in ‘small’ places throughout The United Kingdom.
I believe it will begin to ‘sneak up’ on people, and they will be surprised to find themselves first in an awakening, then as it builds and progresses, they will suddenly realise they have renewal and revival on their hands.
Some will shy away at this point, not wanting the commitment of Revival — and thereby the cost of Revival — but many will dance with joy at the realisation, and the joy and freedom will be contagious.
The LORD has spoken through His prophets so many times about this moment in time.
Oh, the privilege and joy to be part of this moment and this movement — and the joy of The LORD will hallmark it’s progress from the beginning.
Signs and wonders will be greeted with overflowing joy as we give all the glory to God.
The Glory of The LORD will shine on all who are touched by Him in this time as we reflect His Glory and shine like Moses from being in His wonderful presence!
‘Bright shining Revival’ is coming.
Get ready — be prepared for the road ahead is an exciting one.
The coming year will be everything The LORD has decreed it to be!
I’m getting excited just thinking about it!
How about you?
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Yes and Amen! Please let me be a part of it!