My Spiritual Storm Riders Are Rising!
I hear The Spirit say, ”As you decrease, so I will Increase. As you go lower, so I will take you higher!”
Continue reading →I hear The Spirit say, ”As you decrease, so I will Increase. As you go lower, so I will take you higher!”
Continue reading →“I will not withhold anything good from you,” says The LORD. “Nothing will be kept back from you that is good, for I have nothing for you that can be less than good.”
Continue reading →The late Arthur Burt went home to The LORD in 2014 after prophesying around the late 1940’s that he’d not go home until he had seen the beginning of Revival/ Awakening.
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit said: “You have been warned. Things are heating up in the Spiritual Realm and you are beginning to experience more things in the natural.”
Continue reading →“I will come by the power of My Holy Spirit and destroy the works of the enemy in people’s lives,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →It’s not all going to be hallelujah and joy. It’s not all going to be successful Satan bashing — but as you press in, you release more and more of My Presence!
Continue reading →I love You, my LORD; I love You, my GOD; With all my heart and mind; With a love above and beyond; With a love that can’t be bought.
Continue reading →As a teacher of special needs children, it is very difficult occupation. The students need help in every way — and all the time.
Continue reading →“For surely would I speak clearly for this coming year: I AM in the midst of you, My People,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →A true child of God who knows their place in Jesus Christ, has no reason to worry about the devil or his demons!
Continue reading →“Ah, My son, you so often ask for things, small thing or big things, then you just sit back and wait!” said The LORD.
Continue reading →“Do not let people push you off course thinking that their agendas are more important than the calling I have given you,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I will pierce through the darkness with the light of My Word,” says The LORD. “I will penetrate diseases with the power of My Word that I sent to heal you and deliver you!”
Continue reading →“Beloved. There is an Ancient Wind blowing. You have nothing to fear, My Child. This Wind is of My Spirit. It is the Breath of Yahweh,” says The LORD.
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