A Prayer for You!
I pray the beauty of God’s holiness is made known to your heart and mind, as you’re cleansed by the Washing of His Word.
Continue reading →I pray the beauty of God’s holiness is made known to your heart and mind, as you’re cleansed by the Washing of His Word.
Continue reading →I asked God today — if we have a role, a ministry, as prophets of revival, please show me something different. This is what I got.
Continue reading →My security is in God’s Presence alone! In solitude I have learned to be still and to be silent from the world. As I do this it creates space to walk forward.
Continue reading →“Let this be a day of memorial to you,” says The LORD. “Set in your heart stones of remembrance and engrave on these tablets My goodness and mercy to you.”
Continue reading →We claim to preach The Gospel, but how often does Jesus take center stage? How often do our messages exalt Him, His cross, His love, and His resurrection?
Continue reading →“The Year of Blessing and the Shekinah Glory of God. Seeing beyond the Veil. The face of darkness bowing to the Face of Light. A Year of Suddenlies!”
Continue reading →It seems the world is in the last leg of a race of waiting. The world is waiting for new leadership — and peace!
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