Your Life is in My Hands!
“Trust that your life is in My hands, and I created you for My purpose,” says The LORD. “You shall be established in Me and in My Kingdom, for My Glory.”
Continue reading →“Trust that your life is in My hands, and I created you for My purpose,” says The LORD. “You shall be established in Me and in My Kingdom, for My Glory.”
Continue reading →“If My People . . . Repent and turn from their wicked ways . . . Heal their land.” We all know the verse by heart. We should do — as we quote it often enough!
Continue reading →A follow-up to Veronika West’s word “The Apostolic Elders Council Statement Regarding a False Trump Word” and the APCE response.
Continue reading →A Word to the “The Barefoot Prophets!” There are many who call themselves “Prophets” in the world of “Christiandom” today.
Continue reading →I feel the Spirit of The LORD saying that there are too many newscasters, and not enough people preaching the good news [The Gospel].
Continue reading →I take the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, and cut the cords of divination that has been set against you and your household.
Continue reading →New “Strange Fire Ministries” shall seek to discredit and dismiss the old and more traditional type of Prophet, as invalid and not relevant for today’s society.
Continue reading →Every morning tell Him, “Thank You for Your Kindness,” And every evening rejoice in all His Faithfulness.
Continue reading →God is calling us to true repentance today! “…. a giant foot of pride that has risen up in the land, My people,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Millions of people have been on their knees or in postures of prayer down on their faces crying out to God in desperation.
Continue reading →The LORD said to me, “Are you completely aware of the many changes that are now taking place, that have been prophesied by you?”
Continue reading →I heard the phrase, “The Gathering,” and then,”Incoming!” like soldiers shouting a warning when a large number of weapons are about to come in.
Continue reading →Some fathers in Numbers 36 came to Moses asking, “What about the inheritance for my daughters?” God said “Yes you are right” and gave a solution to their specific question.
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