The Final Hour and Season!
“Good morning, Yes, you can sense by My Spirit that lives and abides on the inside of you that I AM doing something miraculous,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Good morning, Yes, you can sense by My Spirit that lives and abides on the inside of you that I AM doing something miraculous,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →This morning early I heard this Word coming, following the 2024 US Election News: “Put not your full trust in any man — but look to Me for I AM.”
Continue reading →“Trials, tests and tribulation is not from Me,” says The LORD. “I do not set a trap for you so that I can deliver you out of it. I do not try you so that I can prove you.”
Continue reading →“I have trumpeted this fact through a number of My Prophets for a while now — few have had ears that both listened and heard,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Speaking of the Children, The LORD said. “Now they shall come running to Me from the east and the west, the north and the south. The enemy must give them up.”
Continue reading →“You have buried your heads in the sand, and have disobeyed My Commands, I cannot completely heal your land — and I cannot raise you up as a righteous people.”
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