The Two Phase Visitation Revival
I hear The LORD say, “I AM sending My Fire once more. I AM sending My Fire in TWO PHASES!”
Continue reading →I hear The LORD say, “I AM sending My Fire once more. I AM sending My Fire in TWO PHASES!”
Continue reading →Celeste, who was standing across from me, suddenly saw a Vision while we were praying.
Continue reading →“Many of My Houses have become tables for money changers and houses of entertainment,” says The LORD!
Continue reading →The Spirit speaks, “The Spirit intercedes when no words are possible. When words can not be uttered, then I come to intercede on your behalf.”
Continue reading →As a Christian in intercessory prayer, I find myself often weeping before The LORD. It’s not I’m without hope, but the very opposite is true.
Continue reading →God is looking for a few good men and women…. Men and women who are willing….. God is looking for those who believe…..
Continue reading →“Forever I AM yours and forever you are Mine,” says The LORD. “I did not vow to seek and to save you that was lost just to allow the evil one to snatch you out of My Hands.”
Continue reading →“Beloved, do you hear the Sound of the Mighty Rushing Wind? Do you hear the Voice of Many Waters?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →“The heart of Ireland will be healed and will beat strongly again. Ireland will become a carrier nation of resurrection life — and Fiery Revival to The Nations!”
Continue reading →I heard, “Do not fear, The Ancient of Days is rising up, the Annihilation of the Lawless One is at hand. The Kingdom of darkness is feeling the Heat! “
Continue reading →Isn’t GOD good? Isn’t GOD amazing? Isn’t GOD wonderful? In every way, every day? Oh isn’t GOD good?
Continue reading →For I heard The LORD say, “There is going to be stagnation in the food supply, in sourcing and out-sourcing. Stores will begin limiting supplies to individual persons.”
Continue reading →I have been hidden for a long time and a loner — some from being shy, and others from serious abuse and the blows I have suffered.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “I AM saying for those who stand in the middle, that they will have to choose who they will stand by — or won’t!”
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