The Bride and the Wedding Toast
I saw the Bride of Christ — and I saw her Bridegroom, King Jesus, handing her a beautiful golden goblet.
Continue reading →I saw the Bride of Christ — and I saw her Bridegroom, King Jesus, handing her a beautiful golden goblet.
Continue reading →“Just believe in My presence, My power, My Word, and My higher thoughts and ways that are far above your circumstances,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“When the darkness comes, and settles upon the land, then you will know and see, that the man doomed for perdition has arrived,” warns The LORD.
Continue reading →This morning early, I was praying when The LORD began to tell me about A New Season which is coming.
Continue reading →The LORD spoke and I heard: “Though the hearts of men are like granite in this hour, will I shake them free of the wickedness oppressing them!”
Continue reading →This is what I see and hear for you today, Child of God: I see Jesus walking through the Heavens on your behalf! He is drawing a line in the sand!
Continue reading →When I was a wayward daughter; Back before I ever knew You; I went along lock step with the world; Never knowing any different; Never realizing I was a prisoner.
Continue reading →As I study the winds, North, South, East and West the Spirit of The LORD revealed, “The LORD was there !”
Continue reading →There is a time of trouble and tumult coming to this nation sooner than ANYONE thinks!
Continue reading →“The times of refreshing in My Presence are coming,” says The LORD. “You will not be as a parched land that cannot produce a harvest.”
Continue reading →Reading Ezekiel 38, I remembered from Joel Richardson’s book, “The Islamic Antichrist” that he said these are all tribes of Turkey. So I looked into it a bit.
Continue reading →“Walk circumspectly and you will make it through All things — and I do mean All things — My beloved ones,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Saints, as we experience the time to Regroup, it’s not uncommon to have hiccups, bumps in the road.
Continue reading →For those who are suffering in silence, even while in Churches… Are you frustrated even more than you were while you sat to hear?
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