The Glory Of His Riches
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse…. And prove Me now herewith, saith the LORD Of Hosts.
Continue reading →Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse…. And prove Me now herewith, saith the LORD Of Hosts.
Continue reading →From the moment we walked into the building, I began to feel waves of sickness wash over me — severe nausea almost overwhelmed me at one point.
Continue reading →For years now, The LORD has been warning me over and over again about four (4) things that are coming, unless the PRAYER OF THE SAINTS hold them back.
Continue reading →Our acquaintance with scripture gives us knowledge and wisdom to confess over our situations.
Continue reading →Still small voice… “Men on the line are dropping like flies because they are unsupported in prayer and unconfronted!”
Continue reading →I have seen and felt a trend that the prophetic has in many instances been taken captive by a spirit of seduction and poisoned from their own ‘cisterns.
Continue reading →The LORD woke me this morning at 5:12 am and began to talk to me about my future… in a way I was totally not expecting.
Continue reading →The huge change taking place in this new season is the world’s transformation of redemption back to a communal spiritual/natural relationship involving Father God.
Continue reading →This is a personal Testimony and I hope it encourages someone. It does have a “Word” from The LORD, literally a four (4) Word single sentence.
Continue reading →“Expect miracles, signs and wonders, for I AM the same, yesterday, today and forever. What I did in the past, I will do again, and again” says The LORD.
Continue reading →God has a way of catching our attention. He told Moses to remove his shoes as he was now on holy ground, in a holy place.
Continue reading →“It is time for those who seek their own glory to step aside. For many have shown that they only desire the limelight.” says The LORD.
Continue reading →It’s time for both Watchmen and Intercessors to travail before The LORD for His Glory and His Presence.
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