The Fire That Calls You
Are you willing to climb the mountain to see the fire that calls you? Are you willing to turn aside and draw near?
Continue reading →Are you willing to climb the mountain to see the fire that calls you? Are you willing to turn aside and draw near?
Continue reading →The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is roaring, and the enemy’s camp is trembling. I sense what it felt like for Gideon outside the Midianite camp — 300 against innumerable thousands.
Continue reading →“The spirit of unworthiness is being washed away in the Outpouring Rain of His Love!” I feel this in my spirit today! God is pouring, pouring, pouring out upon us.
Continue reading →On March 4, 2022, I prayed for The LORD to reveal to me the truth behind the Ukraine/ Russia conflict happening right now.
Continue reading →“It is said that there is nothing new under the sun, but every day there are new things to behold,” says The LORD,.
Continue reading →“For all your fretting and fuming, wining and complaining does not accomplish anything or salve any issues that you and others have.”
Continue reading →There are matters for adjudication that are considered of lesser weight; and are left for brethren to whom authority is given to preside and judge over.
Continue reading →“How many days do you rise and not praise Me for raising you? How many days do you forget to thank Me for the breath that flows through your lungs?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →As you are settling into the new, there will be a temptation to bring the old with you.
Continue reading →El Shaddai, El Shaddai, He puts the super into the natural, And makes it Supernatural, Moving mountains from sea to sea, Moving stars from galaxy to galaxy, Moving my heart from unbelief to belief.
Continue reading →The death of death is the beginning of abundant Joyful life. We are now, in this age, living in the time of restoration to life on earth as it was before the fall of Adam.
Continue reading →This cloud map of The UK keeps coming back in my memories, and The LORD always brings a fresh revelation to me.
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