It is Raining, It is Raining, It is Raining!
When God speaks something three times you know He is emphasizing it to us. He wants to get our attention.
Continue reading →When God speaks something three times you know He is emphasizing it to us. He wants to get our attention.
Continue reading →Understand Authority, Power and Insubordination based on biblical principles to allow you to make correct decisions today.
Continue reading →Saints, keep your eyes on the prize of the high call of Christ Jesus, the One, Who is Altogether Lovely!
Continue reading →Take the road less traveled; Let the dust swirl around your sandals; Going from one town to the next; With the precious words of Jesus; Falling upon hearts seeking rest.
Continue reading →Last week, I heard a ‘warning’ from The LORD. I heard: “Washington State”! I wasn’t shown anything else, except that the warning is for western Washington State.
Continue reading →Last night as lay on my bed I perceived The Hold Spirit begin to speak to me and I heard, “The Gospel has become too aesthetic!”
Continue reading →This morning The LORD announced to me, “In the next few weeks, expect to experience Acceleration and Advancement in areas you have given up on.”
Continue reading →In the Spirit, I heard a very low BASS note. It was prolonged and held out, not like any human could do.
Continue reading →Warning: A Demonic Assignment of Assassination and a Satanic Strategy Against Vision. So, I felt it important to share this with our War Room this afternoon.
Continue reading →I noticed lately that there is an attitude among some that “Doom & Gloom” messages are not what God is saying.
Continue reading →Over the last several months, I’ve adopted a type of response to a certain question that we all get asked daily: “How are you doing?”
Continue reading →“On this Day of Atonement, I have gone throughout the earth. I have looked upon My Children and the conditions of the world in earnest desire to see if there has been change.”
Continue reading →“Beloved. Weep not at this present circumstance but LAUGH at the enemy. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed over him,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I AM your GOD that does all things perfectly, and there is nothing missing and nothing that needs improvement in what I do and will give to you,” says The LORD.
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