The Time to Favor Her Has Come
None of us are without formidable foes in life, but God has given us promises that He, GOD, will never know never, let us go!
Continue reading →None of us are without formidable foes in life, but God has given us promises that He, GOD, will never know never, let us go!
Continue reading →I saw the indictments falling like dominoes. One decision began to knock one down then another, then another.
Continue reading →I saw, in my spirit, a road stretching out before me. I knew instantly that it was for all of us, me included. It was an unpaved road rather like you see in the country.
Continue reading →We are all living in a state of change right now, whether we can see it yet or not. I believe The LORD is saying, “Abide in readiness in Me. Things are about to change!”
Continue reading →“I will give you exactly what you need, for I know everything about you, and understand what you do not,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I’m gonna give The LORD all my praise; I’m gonna give The LORD all my praise; Only He can place the stars in the heavens; Only He made the earth beneath my feet!”
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