Relentless Faith
Over the past few months we’ve been surrounded by news of conflict and uncertainty, and many people have lost sight of God’s promises and plans for their lives.
Continue reading →Over the past few months we’ve been surrounded by news of conflict and uncertainty, and many people have lost sight of God’s promises and plans for their lives.
Continue reading →There comes a time when you hear The LORD say something to you, and you wonder: “What do I do with this?”
Continue reading →Apology alone is and was not the price for Redemption. Redemption in simple terms; is like a “restoration to factory settings”.
Continue reading →For many of us, there is a war within us. The bullets and bombs are filled with angry, resentment, and frustration for why we encountered so much suffering in our pasts.
Continue reading →I saw hounds chasing a fox, but rather than getting him cornered and killing him, they corralled him into his den and held him there.
Continue reading →We don’t need to wear a ring of power to be part of God’s army, or to be a child of his. We have the power of the Holy Spirit “WITHIN” us.
Continue reading →Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse…. And prove Me now herewith, saith the LORD Of Hosts.
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