Layer Upon Layer
Here I am sitting reading Your Word; Oh I’ve read this verse a hundred times before; And some may say there’s revelation no more.
Continue reading →Here I am sitting reading Your Word; Oh I’ve read this verse a hundred times before; And some may say there’s revelation no more.
Continue reading →There is always hope in and through Jesus Christ. Anyone that ever strips all hope away, is not speaking as a true mouthpiece from The LORD. Period.
Continue reading →“Native American Indians are screaming for their rights and I AM hearing them. A call for freedom has come unto My ears and I AM listening to every plea, cause and petition.”
Continue reading →Some use the word “fake news” to speak of whatever doesn’t satisfy their fancy of what they think is true or not.
Continue reading →Faith is so fundamental and functionally important for our very existence in CHRIST that THE HOLY SPIRIT repeatedly says, “The just shall live by his Faith!”
Continue reading →In 2012, I was in the middle of an intense process of God flipping me “right side up” and bringing me to the end of my former foolish and fleshly self! (Thank you Jesus!)
Continue reading →Papa and I were talking. He asked if I remembered Isaiah hearing His voice asking, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?”
Continue reading →There is a disconnect in what we believe and what we see., therefore, The Holy Spirit wants to address The Church on this issue.
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