The LORD’s Kings Are The Humble Ones!
I heard, “My kings are the Humble Ones. They are the SERVANT KINGS raised up for such a time as this.”
Continue reading →I heard, “My kings are the Humble Ones. They are the SERVANT KINGS raised up for such a time as this.”
Continue reading →I heard The Spirit say, ”It’s time to train up and equip those who have heard The Call to be part of this Mighty Joshua Prophetic Company that is beginning to emerge in Ireland!”
Continue reading →“You shall remain above the problems. You shall start afresh and remain under the shadow of My Wings. You are above and not beneath!” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I have trained you in The Secret Place for a long while now, and it is time to step out in your full Authority,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“These are the days when nothing much matters even to My People, except that they get their own personal desires met and fulfilled,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →This past weekend there were numerous Christian live-stream Conferences online. The presence of The Holy Spirit is about to increase in our midst.
Continue reading →For the one, be true to who you are in Christ. God will show up for you. Be faithful to Him.
Continue reading →“I will multiply your blessings and not subtract from you,” says The LORD. “For I do not extract from you, but add.”
Continue reading →The Pioneers are ascending into new realms of cognition and revelation with pure hearts and holy intentions.
Continue reading →“There is no greater melody that has ever been heard than the sounds of the righteous ones praising and worshiping Me,” says The LORD!
Continue reading →God has allowed many things to happen, because My People are compromised; intercessors are asleep; there is no watchman in the cities.
Continue reading →Amazing stories took place at Mount Sinai. God spoke to both Moses and Elijah here. He called them to a purpose and gave them important commandments.
Continue reading →“I have created this day to be pleasurable for you,” says The LORD. “Rejoice in it! Rejoice in Me!”
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