Your Life Will Blossom and Be Fruitful!
“I have created this day to be pleasurable for you,” says The LORD. “Rejoice in it! Rejoice in Me!”
Continue reading →“I have created this day to be pleasurable for you,” says The LORD. “Rejoice in it! Rejoice in Me!”
Continue reading →Last night as I sat in my room, I saw as it were, in The Realm of The Spirit an old, antique clock.
Continue reading →“The Forever Love of the Father has transported you into the Realms of the Everlasting Arms, into the Secret Place under the Shadow of His Wings.”
Continue reading →When Jesus rode into the city on what we call Palm Sunday today, the Pharisees rebuked him and told Him to tell His followers to basically shut up and stop worshiping Him…
Continue reading →The LORD gave me the title, “The Unfamiliar Familiar,” and suddenly I realized what He was attempting to show me.
Continue reading →You are the one my soul loves; How You led my heart to Yours; Will always remain a mystery; But oh I know it is rooted in; Your Deep Love for me.
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