So it Will Be!
The LORD asks, “Is there a time or place where I AM not? For every moment of time, and every space in creation, I AM there.”
Continue reading →The LORD asks, “Is there a time or place where I AM not? For every moment of time, and every space in creation, I AM there.”
Continue reading →When The LORD caught up John the beloved Apostle into heaven to His very Throne, He revealed to him twenty-four Elders seated around The Throne.
Continue reading →I keep hearing The LORD speaking to my spirit: “Beloved. Listen carefully, and act upon My Words, for it is urgent to tie up some loose ends.”
Continue reading →I rebuke and curse any deceptive words spoken against you and your walk with The LORD.
Continue reading →Many say “LORD help me!” one day at a time, and I hear Him say to me, “You must follow Me one day at a time — and one Command for that day!”
Continue reading →“Right now, in My ear are the prayers of millions, and the cry of tens of millions, and I never get confused, disoriented, overwhelmed,” says The LORD.
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