Keep Searching for Truth and What We Should Do!
Some things are coming out today so blatantly opposed to Truth in Government, I feel to speak out.
Continue reading →Some things are coming out today so blatantly opposed to Truth in Government, I feel to speak out.
Continue reading →Where is your treasure, Here or in Heaven? Where is your inheritance, Here or in Heaven? Where have you placed your hope, In man or Jesus?
Continue reading →You can be so easily replaced from a position that made you feel like you needed twenty calls to respond and five WhatsApp messages, with no response!
Continue reading →Learn how to do ministry — and be an effective witness outside of social media! There is a plague of social media dependency that has engulfed many believers.
Continue reading →“I have commanded My blessings upon you,” says The LORD. “I have made decrees in heaven over you in the presence of My Holy Angels, and they will execute My Holy Will.”
Continue reading →“I have set you aside for the times and seasons that you are in now and in the coming days ahead. Just like My sons of Issachar, you can discern times and seasons,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The Singing Butterflies of New Creation, you are moving from from Minor to Major! I heard music in The Spirit and it was beautiful!
Continue reading →What The LORD keeps saying to me through Scriptures, is that Donald J. Trump (His Cyrus) will suddenly finish what He has called Him to do as 45.
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