Unquenchable Love
“Be confident in Me,” says The LORD. “I will give you comfort and joy as I embrace you and reassure you that I Am your eternal, loving Father.”
Continue reading →“Be confident in Me,” says The LORD. “I will give you comfort and joy as I embrace you and reassure you that I Am your eternal, loving Father.”
Continue reading →First I will start with this question. Do we need to listen to others who can truly and Godly instruct us?
Continue reading →“Come, let us enjoy a few precious moments together before your day gets too rushed, too crowded. Let Us talk together!” says The LORD!
Continue reading →“Beloved, I have New and Living Sounds that you must receive in this hour — Sounds that will bring you into the place of deeper Encounter with My Glory,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Do you feel as if things are utterly hopeless and completely upside down right now? Maybe you have you been in that scary place before.
Continue reading →I learned something the other day about the last time Revival hit mainland Britain.
Continue reading →Father says, “There is a place in Me that I long to reveal to My children, a dimension of My Wisdom that not even the ancients have acquired such knowledge.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “The one who brings Judgment is come into the Earth. Shattering news is about to hit right in the center of man’s heart.”
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