Simon the Sorcerer: 2024
Brethren, many of us, our families, towns, cities, nations are under the bewitchment of modern day “Simon the Sorcerer.”
Continue reading →Brethren, many of us, our families, towns, cities, nations are under the bewitchment of modern day “Simon the Sorcerer.”
Continue reading →After a very trying day of unexpected happenings, as I was preparing to go to bed for the night when I heard The LORD say, “Tell your heart to beat again.”
Continue reading →“What is there on the the horizon that many have speculated about?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →I Heard The LORD say. “A famine for bread is coming. Let this Word enter into your hearing.”
Continue reading →Today, I will start off by saying, that I am not a ‘date setter’ about when our Lord will return.
Continue reading →Read: Psalm 4, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110 and allow God to set you apart for the future and experience new levels of Supernatural joy and gladness.
Continue reading →I wrote about this three years ago — and since then there have been monumental changes in the Church scene.
Continue reading →The Scriptures declare that we have: “A Great High Priest, and he is in the heavens, Yeshua/Jesus the Son of God is His Name.”
Continue reading →I have awoken from a powerful Dream concerning American President Donald J. Trump, where I was shown a great upheaval that is coming in the days ahead.
Continue reading →The Messenger of God has no personal desires, preference, ambition nor personal responses.
Continue reading →“Wales, I have waited and waited for you to lay down the old, now tired old Mantle of Revival from more than a century ago,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Come into My Presence where you will find rest from the cares of this life,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“For where there is no way, I become the way, the truth and the life in you, for you, and around you,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →A few nights ago, I dreamt I was opening a door in space and time with the number 222.
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