The Pendulum Swings on Duo Subjects Today
Do We Want the easy road in life as a Christian? The road less traveled will lead us to eternal life.
Continue reading →Do We Want the easy road in life as a Christian? The road less traveled will lead us to eternal life.
Continue reading →“You will be blessed to be a blessing,” says The LORD. “My light and My life is in you, and it is abundant.”
Continue reading →Last night, God woke me up and gave me a vision of people throwing fiery darts of Satan at a dart board, with a person’s face on it.
Continue reading →Amid all the chaos of the world right now, I see Holy laughter! “I will also bring My Presence so strongly that very few will be able to stand in their meetings,“ says The LORD.
Continue reading →I saw a Spiritual Womb — and within the Womb, I saw many rivers, Rivers of Living Waters, and I heard, ”Watch! For the Waters are about to Break.”
Continue reading →“I AM sending Holy Spirit Fire to these lands once again! I AM lighting the Fires you saw prepared and waiting,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD is showing me that many of you are trying to find strength in the midst of chaos.
Continue reading →“For years I have tried to warn and let My People know that Repentance and Prayer are needed more in My House than all the programs and entertainment,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →All Thy Works shall praise Thee, O LORD; And Thy Saints shall bless Thee. They shall speak of the Glory of Thy Kingdom, And talk of Thy Power.
Continue reading →I have heard The LORD say this word for three consecutive days, “UN-SOLV-ABLE!” The first thing I thought about was Paul’s thorn in the flesh.
Continue reading →“As you enter this Lenten Season heading toward the remembrance of Resurrection Day, I want you to focus on My Victory.” says The LORD.
Continue reading →When you carry a heavy load for the purposes of God, you might feel weighted in the midst of favor.
Continue reading →Recognize that your soul is the essence of who you are — your mind, emotions, and will. It is the part of you that longs for connection with God and yearns for fulfillment.
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