God Almighty is God Forever!
There is none like God in all the Universe! There was no god formed before Him and there will be no god after Him.
Continue reading →There is none like God in all the Universe! There was no god formed before Him and there will be no god after Him.
Continue reading →It does much damage and no good for sure! Are we all guilty as Christians? Most of us are or have been at times.
Continue reading →LORD, show us Your Holiness that we might weep before you over the pitiful state of our own holiness —or rather our lack of holiness.
Continue reading →“I given you the keys to My Kingdom in Heaven,” says The LORD. “Use them! My Kingdom is where you are to live. Your citizenship is there with Me.”
Continue reading →I hear The LORD saying, “There will be Divine Retribution — for they think they can come against Me, and get away with their plans.”
Continue reading →Today, reflect on any areas in your life where you have come into agreement with lies, doubt, unbelief and fear.
Continue reading →“A firestorm is coming. Be ready for the fallout. Be ready for regrets, sadness, hurt, and pain,” says The LORD,
Continue reading →“I said you would do great exploits in My name. People without eyes will get eyes. People with Neurological diseases will be healed instantly,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I wait on The LORD. Suddenly, after what seems like, and actually is, three days, I hear The LORD speak! Not what I was hoping to hear, but there it was, clear as anything.
Continue reading →In the tempest there is a temptation to row really hard, but I hear The LORD say, “Be still. Abide. Be still. Linger in My Presence!”
Continue reading →Praying and prophesying over a Prophet of God, I saw her in The Spirit like Mary, who was heavily pregnant sitting on a donkey, and I was shown Joseph walking beside her.
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