Go Ahead & Be Encouraged but Wake Up!
Sure I would love to see this country as a whole turn back to God. Sure I would love to see us standing on Godly principles, again.
Continue reading →Sure I would love to see this country as a whole turn back to God. Sure I would love to see us standing on Godly principles, again.
Continue reading →“I AM not a short order cook. I do not do things quickly, but I serve good food to My Children,” says The LORD!
Continue reading →There is a burning, a longing, rising within me. Has been for some time now. It is a two pointed thing.
Continue reading →“I AM your beginning and your end,” says The LORD. “I created you. I formed you in the womb of your mother, and wrote your destiny in My book.”
Continue reading →“All life emanates from the Father of Lights. He is the King of the Universe and in His hands are the vestiges of all life and power, all manifest Love, kindness and authority.”
Continue reading →I see Jesus kissing the top of the head of the Bride of Christ and the Oil of the Holy Spirit was pouring out like honey from His Head to hers.
Continue reading →”The Year of the Watchmen, the Year where a simultaneous move of My Seven Spirits shall be made manifest in The Nations of the Earth,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I have determined that 40 Weeks of blessings are upon My People for obedience.”
Continue reading →I believe it is very important for the Leaders as well as the flock to comprehend. This article was contributed and edited by Steve Morris, myself, and others who care.
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