Great Awakening in Our Time
There is an urgency about the days we’re living in. It’s an urgency in our hearts, put there by The Father, prompted by The Son, and unctioned by The Holy Spirit!
Continue reading →There is an urgency about the days we’re living in. It’s an urgency in our hearts, put there by The Father, prompted by The Son, and unctioned by The Holy Spirit!
Continue reading →I looked and I saw what appeared to be a realm open in the heavenly, and from that realm a demonic entity came through, fierce and gross darkness surrounded it.
Continue reading →We need very real substance to hold onto in this day we live in. All the shaking we are all experiencing in every aspect of our lives is very hard!
Continue reading →There is a Mantle of Prophetic Authority being released. There are Prophetic Voices being raised up across the country and around the world.
Continue reading →“Do you see the Clouds gathering? The Heavens are opening over you. The Latter Rain is falling, refreshing the Weary Warriors,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I want you to be burden free and care free,” says The LORD. “Relinquish every burden and place your entire care onto Me.”
Continue reading →I had a vision of a Warrior’s face that was covered with diamonds. Of course I knew the verse in Ezekiel that says to “Set your face like flint,” but I did not see where the diamonds came in.
Continue reading →I lay my heart bare before You LORD Jesus, Surrendered to You completely, Without covering, Without double mindedness; Open like a book.
Continue reading →I think The Church forgets our humble beginnings and origins. We forget that we measure ourselves and judge ourselves against a Church or organization.
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