Seek First!
You know, some lessons are simple and easy to learn — others are more complex and therefore harder to learn.
Continue reading →You know, some lessons are simple and easy to learn — others are more complex and therefore harder to learn.
Continue reading →The issues of human trafficking, slavery and prostitution are heavy on the Father’s Heart, but sadly The Church is seemingly quiet about these atrocities.
Continue reading →I put my hope in You… I put my hope in You… Not in man, oh no; Only in You… ‘Cause You are True; And Your Word leads only to Truth; And brings Light.
Continue reading →“When I reveal My great Wrath to come, I also reveal My great Mercy to the obedient who pull out of the world system,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Our Call and Ultimate Purpose always is to Advance The Kingdom of God. In the context of today, I believe you will agree with what The LORD spoke to me,
Continue reading →If you’ve ever had a true encounter with Jesus, you know that the experience is life-changing.
Continue reading →“Sound the Alarm! Wake up My slumbering Church! This is not a gentle nudge, but shaking, to wake up. Call it a rude awakening,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I hear The LORD saying; “There are many of My People in these ungodly cities who are worn with the toil, and are heavily laden with the sin and the evil of the wicked.”{
Continue reading →“Take your Faith off the shelf and put it on display in your life and the lives of others as you use it,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I woke up on January 7, 2024 with the song “Nothing I Hold Onto”, and I realized that The LORD has been trying to tell me something these last couple of days.
Continue reading →The LORD is saying, “I AM hovering over the dreams, desires and hopes of your heart.”
Continue reading →Living at a time when many seek spiritual guidance from all types of sources, many that are anything but safe.
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