Go Back and Thank Somebody!
Never TRIVIALIZE or UNDERMINE any help you received from someone when you overcome or get out of that situation.
Continue reading →Never TRIVIALIZE or UNDERMINE any help you received from someone when you overcome or get out of that situation.
Continue reading →In the last two years, I have received three Prophetic Visions concerning the return of President Donald J. Trump.
Continue reading →“How long will you hold Me back?” cries The LORD. “How long must I await your readiness to be the people I have called you to be?”
Continue reading →I spoke the Word into existence and created all things by My power. What I say is what will be done, for I will honor My Word, says the LORD.
Continue reading →I have been hearing The LORD say, “Daughter, this is my set time to conceal and reveal, to cover and recover, to stir up and to pour out.”
Continue reading →The Father says, “The abominable and detestable they worship have entered them — so like salt that has lost its savor, it is only good to be cast out.”
Continue reading →I saw a plain wooden door frame and heard the word, “Threshold!” Beyond this simple entrance the whole area was aglow with a glorious bright Light.
Continue reading →The storm will subside, the raging river will calm, the lion that seeks to devour will lose its target.
Continue reading →The LORD asks and says, “How does one add up man’s worth? The sum (everything valuable) of a man is not his total importance.”
Continue reading →This is a very abbreviated version of some things The LORD has been showing me lately concerning our position in Him, and the time we have entered.
Continue reading →I saw a Vision like a comic strip in the newspaper, but I will describe what it looked like, and I will attempt to relate what it means… I heard, “Tug of War!”
Continue reading →I heard these Words, “The time has come for My House to be cleansed by the purifying fires of My Glory.”
Continue reading →The LORD wants to encourage someone today. Many are enduring trials of affliction, especially with sickness lately.
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