Capturing the Imagination of Every Heart
Last night, November 5th here in The United Kingdom, we remembered a certain Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up parliament in 1605.
Continue reading →Last night, November 5th here in The United Kingdom, we remembered a certain Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up parliament in 1605.
Continue reading →“I have scheduled everything for you in your life and everything is on schedule,” says The LORD. “For I never have a delay. I never make any mistakes.”
Continue reading →I heard, “The Ancients Fires are still burning. You have nothing to fear. There is nothing new under the Sun. You are hidden in the Shadow of the Wings of Fire.”
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “In this hour, I AM challenging My Chosen Ones who are My Remnant Warriors to subdue, multiply and be fruitful.”
Continue reading →“Blockage, blockage is in the hearts and minds of My People. Its real name is ‘Stubbornness!'” says The LORD.
Continue reading →What? How can we, when everything is hitting us all at once? It is possible — but through Jesus Christ only!
Continue reading →“Guard your affections and place them on Me,” says The LORD. “For it is not the things of the flesh that will satisfy you.”
Continue reading →The LORD says; “I AM The Resurrection and The Life. I AM the God Who raises the dead and creates new life.”
Continue reading →In the early hours of this morning I was awoken to these Words, ”This is the beginning of the Nation of Israel’s second Exodus!”
Continue reading →Change is coming! I see in my spirit, a baby in a mother’s womb and it’s used to being nurtured and cared for and it’s used to all the things that the mother provides.
Continue reading →God was showing me that in these times He was and is, transforming the natural atmosphere to present a taste of Heaven’s Vapours.
Continue reading →The story of the prophet Amos is an interesting one, and probably many of us see a parallel to it in our own lives.
Continue reading →I hear The LORD says: “There are many people here who are actively talking and promoting their view of how Salvation can be gained or kept, by keeping My Commandments.”
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