I Belong To You, My LORD!
Prune me, Tend to my branches, oh LORD, Prosper me, Show me Your Ways, oh LORD, For when I am in You, and You with me, The harvest is sure to be plentiful.
Continue reading →Prune me, Tend to my branches, oh LORD, Prosper me, Show me Your Ways, oh LORD, For when I am in You, and You with me, The harvest is sure to be plentiful.
Continue reading →The time was exactly 2:38 a.m. today, November 8, 2023. A strong Vision woke me up.
Continue reading →The LORD has shown me that besides the WARS, there are also DISASTERS (natural) that are also coming.
Continue reading →“Delight yourself in Me and delight in My Word. Delight to do My Will,” says The LORD. “For when you do, I will delight in you.”
Continue reading →On the evening of November 5, 2023, I heard The Holy Spirit say “Gaza” several times.
Continue reading →“I AM protecting Israel and I AM protecting America. My bloodstained banner flies in both places,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD revealed over 20 years ago, through that which became in part, the Brexit issue … “Europe. as the Titanic, cannot withstand the Iceberg that is Britain!”
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