Demons Scream the Loudest as They Are Defeated!
What are we hearing today all around us? It seems that the devil is having a hay day and wreaking havoc globally, but will evil win?
Continue reading →What are we hearing today all around us? It seems that the devil is having a hay day and wreaking havoc globally, but will evil win?
Continue reading →Father God is speaking in His big voice of all love, power, and wisdom without limitation to His grown-up children.
Continue reading →For a Baby to talk about things they do not fully know or understand, would be known by all to be useless and perhaps even misleading.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “This Nation shall prevail. My People have their future in Me, not this world, SO TAKE HEART!”
Continue reading →My heart is breaking. I am seeing and feeling The LORD’s heartbreak for the world and for His Church in particular.
Continue reading →Here and now, here and now we stand; That is all we have; Tomorrow is not guaranteed; And yesterday is gone; Even more distant than a memory.
Continue reading →I hear the Father saying, “Be at peace My Child, know that I AM with you, through the difficult times, giving you strength and ability to continue your race.”
Continue reading →“Do not lose your hope, but place it in Me,” says The LORD. “For you are not hopeless. The hope that you have in Me is not empty or unproductive.”
Continue reading →As I have been in intercession for Israel and America, I have been more and more aware of the Word I was given recently.
Continue reading →As I write this, I am seeing (in the Spirit) the battleship “USS JEHOVAH-CHEBAR” — ‘God of the Sword’. (United Sanctified Sons of Jehovah Chebar).
Continue reading →I saw the Hand of God over America, then I watched as a portion of God’s Hand lifted off America!
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